phone number based on your preference.
Voice call: Allows you to set voice call diversion based on the
following options: unconditional transfer, transfer when busy, transfer on no reply, and transfer when unreachable.
Video calls: The options available in video call diversions are the same as those for voice calls.
Cancel all transfers: Allows you to cancel all call transfers.
Status check: Allows you to verify the current call diversion status.
The ability to successfully set up call transfer is related to the network and SIM card. The system will give appropriate prompts.
When setting up your incoming call transfers, you need to enter a correct telephone number. The incoming call can be transferred to the assigned telephone number.
If call diversion does not work as expected, verify the phone number you have assigned for the transfer.
Video Call Settings
The options available in the video call settings are: send picture and switch to voice call. The send picture option allows you to set a picture as a substitute for camera image during video calls.
Fixed dial
Users with the fixed number setup can only call certain telephone numbers. Telephone numbers not set cannot be dialed. Enter into the fixed number menu, select activate, the phone will require you to input the PIN2 number (provided by your internet service provider), then you will be able to activate the fixed call functionality.