If battery charged complete phone display message "harging Complete" also movement of Battery indicator stop.
Remove the UIM card
1.4 Charge the battery
1 . P l u g t h e c h a r g e r t r a n s f o r m e r i n t o a standard ac outlet.
2.Insert the charger output plug into the round jack at the bottom end of the phone. After few
seconds battery indicators moves from left to right.
Note :
I f b a t t e r y i s l o w p h o n e D i s p l a y warning"battery is low
1.Press and hold the buttons of both sides of the charger's jig, after the charging to plug out the charger after pressing the buttons of both sides of the charger's jig
2.We suggest you to charge the battery fully
when you use the phone for the first time. It takes about 3 hours for full charging.