T h i s f u n c t i o n i n c l u d e s f o u r c a l c u l a t i o n
functions, | addition (+), subtraction |
multiplication ( | ), and division ( ). |
Press number key to input the number. If you want to cancel this calculation process,
please press | Key. |
Tools Calculator | Type number as required, |
for operation need to press navigation keys for (+) (upper navigation key) ,
( ) (left navigation key), (
) (Right navigat- ion key)
Notice: For the limited degree of accuracy, this function only used for reference.
7.6World Clock
User can view the timing of different cities in the world.
Tools World Clock
(New Delhi is save as default) press down navigation key for viewing the timings of other cities.
7.7Stop watch
After entering the stopwatch interface, press Key to start timing and press
key to record one event. 10 event can be recorded.
Press key to pause timing.
Press key to look over the former records.
Start Timing again: press reset key to
clear the time. Press start key for new event
Notice: For the limited degree of accuracy, this function only used for reference.
Kong Ming
If you have saved the former game record, you can choose start game or resume game , or select game to start it again.
1. Start Game
2. Resume Game
3. Select Games
4. Instructions
Using up (2), down (4), left (4), right (6),