| Table 9.1, continued |
Items to check, test procedure | Technical requirement |
Sensitivity, indexing uniformity and | Send the unit for repair if even a |
balance of the magnetic needle. | single requirement of 8.6.2. is not |
Proceed as directed under 7.6.2. | satisfied. |
AI azimuth and elevation adjustment | If necessary, tighten bushings on |
knobs must not be loose. | knob end facets. |
10.1.Maintenance Organization and Procedure. General Instructions.
10.1.1.This Section deals with the maintenance services prescribed for the range finder, excepting the battery servicing procedure. For the instructions on the battery service procedure, refer to Section 15.
10.1.2.The range finder is serviced to ensure its operability and readiness for operation.
The rangefinder is subject to timely
10.1.3.While preparing for and carrying out the maintenance services, observe the safety precautions as outlined in Section 6.
7.4.To use the AI and tripod for observation, proceed as follows: - Arrange the tripod on selected site so that one leg aligns with
the ranging direction;
- Extend the telescopic legs at the desired length to achieve maximum convenience for the observation.
In case you do not use the tripod proceed as follows: - Unscrew the
- Fit the stay block on to the wooden object and tighten it.
- Install and level the AI using the
- Secure the AI by clamp.
- Sliding the rangefinder along the AI bracket guides, fit the AI clamp into the
7.5.Use the AI compass or the reference directional angle to align the rangefinder with the base line.
7.5.1.To align the range finder with the base line, proceed as follows:
- Aim the rangefinder to the reference point;
- Find the base reference (BR) from the formula:
BR = α base – α ref ± 30.00’
where α base is the base line directional angle;
α ref is the directional angle of the given reference line.