WARNING: Beforebeginning
this or any exercise program, consult your physician. This is especially important for in- dividuals over the age of 35 or individuals with
The following guidelines will help you to plan your ex- ercise program.
Whether your goal is to burn fat or to strengthen your cardiovascular system, the key to achieving the desired results is to exercise with the proper intensity. The proper intensity level can be found by using your heart rate as a guide. The chart below shows recommended heart rates for fat burning and aerobic exercise.
( IM,NBPM. . MAxBpM)
( AGE I Fat Burn | Max Burn | Aerobic | 1 |
(20 I 125 145 165 1
(3o 112o 138 155 1
<4o I lzs 13o z4s 1
(50 I no z25 140 1
(60 I 105 118 130 1
(7o I 9s 11o z2s 3
(8o I 90 lo3 115 ;
To find the proper heart rate for you, first find your age on the left side of the chart (ages are rounded off to the nearest ten years). Next, find the three numbers to the right of your age. The three numbers are your "training zone." The lower two numbers are recom- mended heart rates for fat burning; the higher number is the recommended heart rate for aerobic exercise.
Fat Burning
To burn fat effectively, you must exercise at a relatively low intensity level for a sustained period of time. During the first few minutes of exercise, your body uses easily accessible carbohydrate calories for energy. Only after the first few minutes does your body begin to use stored fat calories for energy. If your goal is to burn fat, adjust the speed and incline of the treadmill until your
heart rate is near one of the lower two numbers in your training zone. It may also be helpful to set the speed control on the console to FAT BURN to help you main- tain the proper intensity level. (See page 9.)
Aerobic Exercise
If your goal is to strengthen your cardiovascular sys- tem, your exercise must be "aerobic." Aerobic exercise is activity that requires large amounts of oxygen for prolonged periods of time. This increases the demand on the heart to pump blood to the muscles, and on the lungs to oxygenate the blood. For aerobic exercise, adjust the speed and incline of the treadmill until your heart rate is near the higher number in your training zone. It may also be helpful to set the speed control on the console to AEROBIC to help you maintain the proper intensity level. (See page 9.)
High Performance Athletic Conditioning
If your goal is high performance athletic conditioning, set the speed control on the console to PERFOR- MANCE to help you maintain the proper intensity level. (See page 9.) Note: During the first few weeks of your exercise program, keep your heart rate near the low end of your training zone.
To measure your heart rate, stop exercising and place two fingers on your wrist as shown. Take a
beat count, and
multiply the result by ten to find your heart rate. (A six- second count is used because your heart rate drops quickly when you stop exercising.) If your heart rate is too high or too low, adjust the speed or incline of the treadmill accordingly.
Each workout should include the following three parts:
Warming Up
Start each workout with 5 to 10 minutes of stretching and light exercise. A proper