Note: If there is a thin sheet of plastic | Key | Clip |
on the face of the console, remove it. |
The treadmill console offers an impressive array of features designed to make your workouts more effec- tive and enjoyable. When the manual mode of the con- sole is selected, the speed and incline of the treadmill can be changed with the touch of a button. As you ex- ercise, the console will display continuous exercise feedback. You can even measure your heart rate using the
In addition, the console features ten preset programs that automatically control the speed and incline of the treadmill as they guide you through effective workouts. You can even create your own custom workout pro- grams and save them in memory for future use. The console also offers four heart rate programs that control the speed and incline of the treadmill to keep your heart rate near a target heart rate during your workouts. Note: You must wear the optional chest pulse sensor to use the heart rate programs.
The console also features iFIT.com interactive technol- ogy. Having iFIT.com technology is like having a per- sonal trainer in your home. Using a stereo audio cable,
you can connect the treadmill to your portable stereo, home stereo, computer, or VCR and play special iFIT.com MP3, CD, and video programs (iFIT.com MP3 programs, CDs, and videocassettes are available sepa- rately). iFIT.com programs automatically control the speed and incline of the treadmill as a personal trainer guides you through every step of your workout; high- energy music provides added motivation. To purchase and download iFIT.com MP3 programs, go to www.iFIT.com. To purchase iFIT.com CDs or video- cassettes, call the
With the treadmill connected to your computer, you can also go to www.iFIT.com and access iFIT.com programs directly from our Web site. See www.iFIT.com for more information.
To use the manual mode of the console, follow the steps beginning on page 13. To use a preset program, see page 16. To create and use a custom program, see pages 18 and 19. To use a heart rate program, see page 20. To use an iFIT.com MP3, CD, or video program, see page 24. To use an iFIT.com program directly from our Web site, see page 26.