Reebok Fitness RBTL15830 manual Walking and Stress Reduction, Walking and Injuries, References

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Several studies have reported that regular walking at moderate to brisk speeds appears to increase bone density. Specifically, Fradin and his colleagues6 found that 70-year-old subjects who walked at least 30 min- utes per day had higher bone mineral content than subjects who walked less than 30 minutes per day. Jones and his colleagues7 reported that sedentary women (aged 30 to 61 years old) who began a regular walking program and continued for one year increased their bone density.

Since walking can be comfortably performed by people of any age, walking appears to be practical and effec- tive in reducing a person's risk for developing osteo- porosis.


There are many stressors in today's society, including economic concerns, work-related pressures and the need to balance career goals with home responsibili- ties. People who are unable to cope with these types of stressors are often tense and anxious, and may even become physically or psychologically ill.

Researchers have found that exercise is one way to help people reduce stress. For example, subjects who engaged in a regular aerobic conditioning program and who altered their diets experienced significant gains in self-concept, feelings of well-being and reduced depression.8

Cramer and his colleagues9 specifically examined the effect of brisk walking on mildly obese sedentary women and found that walking improved general psy- chological well-being. Walking therefore appears to be an effective tool for improving psychological well-being.


Walking is often associated with a low injury rate. Walking is considered to be a "low impact" activity be- cause one foot remains in contact with the ground at all times. Walking at speeds of 3 miles per hour pro- duces vertical impact forces that are around 1.25 times body weight, whereas running at 7 miles per hour in- creases vertical impact forces to more than 2.5 times body weight.

During a 24-week study, not one of 59 participants who walked five days a week at speeds between 3 and 5 miles per hour sustained a walking-related injury that necessitated consulting with a physician. Carroll and his colleagues10 reported that 14% of the elderly sub- jects participating in a walking study suffered training- related orthopedic injuries, mostly to the lower leg and foot. The majority of injuries occurred in the group as- signed to "fast walking."

It is important to note that all forms of exercise have some degree of risk associated with the activity. Generally, the less mechanical stress on the muscu- loskeletal system, the less risk of becoming injured. Because of the low-impact nature of walking, the inci- dence of injury appears to be low when compared to other high-impact activities.


1.Rippe, J., Ross, J., et. al. “Cardiovascular effects of walking.” (Abstract), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Physical Activity, Aging and Sports, July, 1985, p. 47.

2.Pollock, M., Miller, H. Jr., et. al. “Effects of walking on body com- position and cardiovascular function of middle-aged men.” Journal of Applied Physiology, 1971, 30:126–130.

3.Duncan, J., Gordon, N., et. al. “Women walking for health and fit- ness. How much is enough?” Journal of the American Medical Association, 1991, 266(23):3295–9.

4.Paffenbarger, R., Hyde, R., “Physical activity, all-cause mortality and longevity of college alumni.” New England Journal of Medicine, 1986, 314:605–613.

5.“Better walking workouts.” University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter, 1992, 8(12):4–5.

6.Fradin, K. Grimby, G., et. al. “Walking habits and health-related factors in a 70-year-old population,” Gerontology, 1991, 37(5):281–8.

7.Jones, P., Hardman, A., et. al. “Influence of brisk walking on the broadband ultrasonic attenuation of the calcaneus in previously sedentary women aged 30–61 years.” Calcified Tissue International, 1991, 49(2):112–5.

8.Blair, S., Collingwood, T., et. al. “Health Promotion for Educators: Impact on Health Behaviors, Satisfaction, and General Well- Being,” American Journal of Public Health, 1984, 74:147–49.

9.Cramer, S., Nieman D., et. al. “The effects of moderate exercise training on psychological well-being and mood state in women.” Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1991, 35(4–5):437–49.

10.Carroll, J., Pollack, M., et. al. “Incidence of injury during moder- ate and high intensity walking in the elderly.” Journal of Gerontology, 1992, 47(3):M61–6.


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Contents Model No. RBTL15830 Serial No Customer HOT LineTable of Contents Important Precautions Page Before YOU Begin HOW to Adjust the Cushioning System HOW to SET UP the TreadmillAssembly HOW to USE the Heart Rate Monitor HOW to PUT on the Heart Rate MonitorHeart Rate Monitor Care and Maintenance Heart Rate Monitor TroubleshootingPage Performant Lubetm Walking Belt HOW to Plug in the Power CordTreadmill Operation Features of the Console On the face of the console, remove itDiagram of the Console HOW to Enter User Information HOW to Turn on the PowerEnter your weight if desired Press the User buttonHOW to USE the Manual Mode Adjust the incline as desired DISTANCE/LAPS display-This display shows the distance thatHOW to USE FAT BURN, AEROBIC, and Performance Programs Select the desired programPut on the heart rate monitor HOW to USE Pulse Programs 1Follow your progress with the LED displays Select the fitness test program HOW to USE the Fitness Test ProgramWhenkey. the program is completed, remove Whenkey. the program is completed, remove Select custom program 1 or HOW to Create Custom ProgramsKey.When the program is completed, remove HOW to USE Custom Programs Workout History Mode Reset the workout history mode if desiredExit the workout history mode If the walking belt is moving, press the Stop ButtonHOW to Connect Your Portable Stereo HOW to Connect Your Home Stereo HOW to Connect Your ComputerHOW to Connect Your VCR Programs Whenkey. the program is completed, remove Return to the treadmill and stand on the foot HOW to USE Programs Directly from OUR WEB SiteFollow the on-line instructions to start Program HOW to Fold and Move the Treadmill HOW to Fold the Treadmill for StorageHOW to Move the Treadmill HOW to Lower the Treadmill for USEProblem The walking belt slows when walked on TroubleshootingProblem The power turns off during use Problem The heart rate monitor does not function properly Make sure that there is not a letter d in the CALS/FAT Cals Walking and Weight Reduction Reebok UniversityWalking and Cardiorespiratory Endurance Walking and Reduced Risk for CARDIOVAS- Cular DiseaseReferences Walking and Stress ReductionWalking and Injuries Exercise Guidelines Exercise IntensityWorkout Guidelines Exercise FrequencyPart List -MODEL NO. RBTL15830 Qty DescriptionHOW to Order Replacement Parts Exploded DRAWING-MODEL NO. RBTL15830 RBTL15830 Exploded DRAWING-MODEL noLimited Warranty