Special scoring:
score the first position only in all regions.
Special Scoring:
score the region(s) with the most Caballeros.
Special Scoring:
score the region(s) with the least Caballeros.
Regions without Caballeros are not counted.
Special Scoring:
you may choose any region to score.
Mobile scoreboard: place or move a mobile scoreboard.
Royal Adviser:
move the King into a neighboring region.
Movement: you choose a region. Your fellow players must move all of their Caballeros out of this region to different regions. Decide secretly!
Special scoring: score the first position only in all regions.
All regions are scored, but only the first place position in each region is scored; all others score nothing. If two or more players tie for first, there is no score as the score would normally be the score for second place. Otherwise, scoring is done as described in “SCORE THE REGIONS”. The Castillo is not scored.
Special Scoring: score the region(s) with the most Caballeros.
If more than one region tie for the most, all such regions are scored. Otherwise, scoring is done as described in “SCORE THE REGIONS”. The Castillo is not considered and not scored.
Special Scoring: score the region(s) with the least Caballeros. Regions without Caballeros are not counted.
If more than one region tie for the least, all such regions are scored. Otherwise, scoring is done as described in “SCORE THE REGIONS”. The Castillo and regions without Caballeros are not considered and not scored.
Special Scoring: you may choose any region to score.
You may score any region, including the King's region and the Castillo. If you choose to score the Castillo, place the Caballeros back into the Castillo after the Castillo is scored. The scoring follows the rules described under “SCORE THE REGIONS“.
The following applies to all 4 cards: a player may move a maximum of 4 Caballeros from his court into regions adjacent to the King's region or into the Castillo. Furthermore, the indicated special action is either executed or prevented.
The following are the special actions:
Mobile scoreboard: place or move a mobile scoreboard. (3 cards)
You may move a mobile scoreboard either onto the board for the first time or into a different region if it is already on the board. A mobile scoreboard may also be placed at the Castillo. A mobile scoreboard may not be moved into or out of the King’s region. The two mobile scoreboards may not be placed on top of one another. When placed, they must be placed
Royal Adviser: move the King into a neighboring region.
You may move the King no further than one region away from his present position.
Movement: you choose a region. Your fellow players must move all of their Caballeros out of this region to different regions. Decide secretly!
After you have chosen the region, all of the affected players choose another region on their secret disks. All players then reveal their disks and move their Caballeros to the chosen regions. Players choosing the King's region or the region they were being moved from, return their Caballeros to their courts.
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