Grande: you may move your Grande into a different region. (2 cards)
You may choose any region except the Castillo and the King's region. You may choose a region which already contains several Grandes. You may not move your Grande from the King’s region. The new region becomes your home region.
Power Cards: take 1 of your cards from the discard stack back into your hand. (2 cards)
You may take back any one of your played cards, including the card played this turn. You need not reveal the card chosen. Of course, if you take the
The Court: move 2 of your Caballeros from the provinces to your court.
Special Scoring: each player secretly chooses a region to score. If a region is chosen by multiple players, it is not scored.
All players choose a region on their secret disks and reveal them simultaneously. Score all uniquely chosen regions according to the rules under “SCORE THE
REGIONS“. If a region is chosen by multiple players, it is not scored.
The 5 stack has only one card, the King card.
The following applies to the 5 card: a player may move a maximum of 5 Caballeros from his court into regions adjacent to the King's region or into the Castillo. Furthermore, the indicated special action is either executed or prevented.
The following is the special action:
Kings card: put the King into any region.
All regions (except the Castillo) may be chosen.
you may move your
Grande into a different
Power Cards: take 1 of your cards from the discard stack back into your hand.
The Court: move 2 of your Caballeros from the provinces to your court.
Special Scoring: each player secretly chooses a region to score. If a region is chosen by multiple players, it is not scored.
Kings card:
put the King into any region.
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