Exercise dothing should be comfortable and allow unrestricted movement. Do not wear rubberized or
plastic clothing that can interfere with the evaporation of sweat from your skin. Always wear athletic shoes that are flexible and provide good protection and sup-
Creating a more active lifestyle, In additionto establish- ing a regular exercise program, will help you to achieve your fitness goals. It'seasy to improve your lifestyle by making a few changes in your daily routine:
Keep yourself moving throughout the day. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Park a half mile away from work or get off the bus a couple of blocks , before your stop and walk the remaining distance.
Increase midday productivity, creativity and energy by replacing a heavy lunch with a light meal. Spend the extra time in physical activity such as walking.
Stop smoking; smoking nearly doubles the risk of coronary heart disease. (Framington Heart Study)
Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption. Alcohol is a major cause of liver problems and other health disorders. (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion)
Reduce your intake of fat. Less than 30% of the calories you consume each day should come from fat. Excessive fat consumption has been linked to
numerous causes of death, including heart disease and cancer.
Know and keep a record of your cholesterol level, blood pressure and other health information. Keep your blood pressure below 140/90; keeping it below 125/85 is preferable.