The total duration of training sessions
The total number of training sessions
The total amount of calories burnt during your training sessions
Reset Totals
To reset totals, select Data > Reset totals and Yes.
Transfer Data
For a
How to set your PC for data transmission
1.Register at polarpersonaltrainer.com
2.Download and install the Polar WebSync software on your computer at polarpersonaltrainer.com.
3.WebSync software is automatically activated when the box "Launch the Polar WebSync" is ticked at the end of the installation.
4.Plug in your FlowLink in the USB port of the computer. The DATA symbol turns to yellow when FlowLink is connected to your PC. Place your training computer onto FlowLink, display facing down.
5.Follow the data transfer process and the instructions for downloading the data, from the WebSync Software on your computer screen. For further instructions on data transfer, see polarpersonaltrainer.com "Help".
To transfer data in the future follow the points 4 and 5 as instructed above.
* Optional Polar FlowLink required.
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