¥DISTANCE/LAPS displayÑThis display
shows the total dis- tance that you have walked and the num-
ber of laps you have
completed (one lap equals 1/4 mile). The display will alternate between one number and the other every seven seconds. The LAPS indicator will light when the number of laps is shown.
¥TIME/PACE dis- playÑThis display
shows the elapsed time and your current pace (pace is mea-
sured in minutes per
mile). The display will alternate between one number and the other every seven seconds. The PACE indicator will light when your pace is shown. Note: When a workout program is se- lected, the display will show the time remaining in the program.
¥ SPEED displayÑ
This display shows the speed of the walking belt, in miles
per hour or kilome- ters per hour. The
KPH indicator will light when the speed is shown in kilometers per hour.
To change the unit of measurement, hold down the START/STOP button while inserting the key into the console. An ÒEÓ for ÒEnglishÓ (miles per hour) or an ÒMÓ for ÒMetricÓ (kilometers per hour) will appear in the CALS/FAT CALS/PULSE dis- play. Press the SPEED ▲ button to change the unit of measurement. Remove and then reinsert the key.
¥ CALS/FAT CALS/ PULSE displayÑ This display shows the approximate
numbers of calories and fat calories you
have burned (see FAT BURNING on page 14). Every seven seconds, the display will change from one number to the other. The FAT indicator will light when the number of fat calories is shown. Note: This display will also show your heart rate when the pulse sensor is used (see step 7).
7Measure your pulse, if desired.
Stand on the foot rails and place your thumb on
the pulse sensor |
| |
as shown. The |
| |
pulse sensor is | Pulse Sensor | |
| ||
vatedÑfully |
| |
press it down. |
| |
(Do not press |
| |
too hard, or the |
| |
circulation in |
| |
your thumb will |
| |
be restricted, | Indicator | |
and your pulse |
| |
will not be de- |
| |
tected.) Next, |
raise your thumb slightly until the
If the displayed pulse appears to be too high or too low, or if your pulse is not displayed, lift your thumb off the sensor and allow the display to reset. Press down again on the sensor as described above.
Make sure that your thumb is positioned as shown, and that you are applying the proper amount of pressure to the pulse sensor. Try the sensor sev- eral times until you become familiar with it. Remember to stand still while measuring your pulse.
8When you are finished, remove the key.
Step onto the foot rails and remove the key from the console. Store the key in a secure place. In ad- dition, move the on/off switch to the off position. (See the drawing near the bottom of page 8.)
To access the consoleÕs information mode, hold down the START/STOP button while inserting the key into the console. An ÒEÓ for ÒEnglishÓ (miles per hour) or an ÒMÓ for ÒMetricÓ (kilometers per hour) will appear in the CALS/FAT CALS/PULSE display. Pressing the SPEED
▲button will change the unit of measurement. The TIME/PACE display will show the total number of hours the treadmill has been used. The SPEED display will show the total number of miles accumulated on the treadmill. To exit the information mode, remove the key from the console.