Whirlpool 3401086 warranty Fluff Air Cycle or line drying, Type of Load Delicate Fabrics

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Fluff Air Cycle or line drying

The chart below includes examples of items that require drying without heat. Use the fluff Air Cycle (ii available on your dryer model), or place the items on a line or rack to air dry.


l Heat-sensitive fabrics should not be dried in the dryer.

l Line dry bonded or laminated fabrics.

l Always follow care label directions when they are available.



Fire Hazard

Do not dry heat-sensitive fabrics, plastic, rubber, or some stuffed items with heat. Use the Fluff Air Cycle, if available, or line dry these items on a line or rack.

Failure to do so could result in fire or damaged items.

FLUFF AIR CYCLE l (mlnutes)


Sheer curtains (2 or 3 panels), gauze, lace, etc.

(Use Fluff Air Cycle if low heat is not available. See pages 9-9.)


Foam Rubber - Pillows, padded bras, stuffed toys l Make sure coverings are securely stitched.

lShake and fluff pillows by hand several times during the Fluff Air cycle.

lMake sure pillows are completely dry. Foam rubber pillows take a long time to dry.

Plastic - Shower curtains, tablecloths

Rubber-backed rugs

Olefin, Polypropylene, Sheer nylon


lPlace several bath towels in the dryer to act as a buffer, or place shoes on a drying rack if your dryer has one.

lRemove shoes from dryer while still damp. l Stretch shoes and allow to air dry.

*Reset cycle as needed to complete drying.







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Contents UseAndCare Requesting AssistancePlease record your model’s information Thank you for buying a Whirlpool@ applianceNumber is toll-free 24-hours Day Your safety is important to us Dryer SafetyOn next Important Safety Instructions Understanding your responsibilitiesOther features not shown Parts and FeaturesOther doors Starting your dryer Operating Your DryerBefore starting your dryer Your dryerCycle descriptions Automatic Cycles Selecting the right cycle and settingDrying guidelines Timed CyclesRack Dry Feature Heavy Dry CyclePermanent Press Synthetics and Blends Drying cycles chartKnits Type of Load Delicate Fabrics Fluff Air Cycle or line dryingRUBBER, PLASTIC, HEAT-SENSWIVEFABRICS Clean Touchty pushbutton pad for both features End-of-Cycle signalUsing End-of-Cycle signal and Finish Guard feature On some modelsOr pillows Using the drying rackRack DRY Sneakers or canvas shoes 30-40Every load cleaning Cleaning the lint screenLint signal As needed cleaningChanging the drum light Cleaning the dryer interiorVacation care Lint Removing accumulatedElectrical Shock Hazard Before opening top Choosing load sizes Laundry TipsSorting clothes Drying tipsUsing dryer fabric softeners Saving energyBlankets and woolens Drying special-care itemsItems Diapers, baby clothes Elastic itemsQuilted, down- filled items Napped itemsTinted, dyed, or noncolorfast items Washable knits Common laundry problems TroubleshootingDroblem Cause Dryer problems CommonIf you are not satisfied with how the problem was solved If you need serviceIf you need FSP Replacement parts Reauestincl Assistance or SerbiceWhirlpool will PAY for Length of WarrantyWhirlpool will not PAY F6R Parks Caracterlsticas Diagndstico de Problemas Centros de Servicio y VentaMensaje para el usuario Lnstrucciones Instalacidn 913Exportador Modelos LGP 6646 LGR LGP 6848 LGC LmportadorEspecificaciones Tbcnicas Agradecemos la compra de un electrodombtico WhirlpooP Mensaje para el usuarioPor favor ariote la siguiente informacibn Nosotros Seguridad de La SecadoraSeguridad es importante Contintia en la ptixima paginaInstrucciones Importantes DE Seguridad Es responsabilidad del usuario Otras puertas Partes yOtros dispositivos que no se muestran Tableros de Control LGC LGP LGRApoyo El piso debe 8er lo suflcientemente Lnstrucciones de instalacibnRequisitos del suministro de gas Peligro de lncendioPeligro de Choque Ektrico Requisitos d&escape Posici6n abierta y cerrada de la v5lvula de cierre de gasPeligro de lncendio y a la Salud Ahora inicie la instalacibn de La secadora en el Brea de lavarGas Lniciar el funcionamiento C6mo Operar la SecadoraAntes de usar la secadora Como detener y reiniciarCiclos cronometrados Timed Drying Selector de ciclosPrincipios de secado NotasCiclo de secado htimedo Damp Dry Ciclo Sin Calor Fluff AirCiclo de secado p=doHeavyDly Ciclo para desa Rrugar Tumble PressTejidos Tabla de ciclos de secadoTIP0 DE Carga Ciclo CronoTemperatura Minutos Secado sin calor Fluff Air o en el tendederoTIP0 DE Carga Ciclo AUTOYATICO’ Telas DELICADAS’Tejidos Deucados SeEal de fin de cicloAlgunos modelos GOMA, PLASTICO, Telas Sensibles AL CalorUso de la sefial de fin De ciclo vI la funcibnAlmohadas Rellenos Uso de la parrilla de secadoSu&eres De lana Zapatos De bnaPelusa Cuidado de la SecadoraLimpieza del filtro de Sefial de pelusaCambio del foco del tambor Limpieza del interiorDe la secadora Cuidado durante las vacacionesRetire la pelusa acumulada Antes de abrir la tapa Vista a Vista B Eleccih del tamafio de carga Consejos de SecadoClasificacihn de la ropa Consejos de secadoTelas para secadoras Uso de suavizantes deAhorro de energia Articulos Secado de articulos de cuidado especialInstrucciones Sobre EL Secado Articulos acolchados y rellenos de pluma de ganso Artlcuios con ianillaTejidos de punto lavables Problema Diagnhtico de ProblemasProblemas comunes de secado CausaProblemas comunes de secadoras Cuando Solicite INFORMACldN 0 UN SERVlClO TkNICO Centros de Servicio y Venta de Refacciones y Partes Servicio Acros WhirlpoolLA GARANTiA no ES Efectiva EN LOS Siguientes Casos Polka de Garantl’aLA GARANTiA FORMAT0 DE IDENTIFICACIdN Nota Importante