love washerldryer to its ermanent location.
Check levelness of n washer/dryer by
Ilacing a carpenter’s level on top of dasher, first side to side then front I back. If it is not level, screw the ‘ant legs up or down to adjust. Tilt rasher forward raising back legs 1” IHof floor to adjust rear
3 floor. Make final check with level.
22 n
‘ut “hook” end of drain hose in tub jr standpipe. Secure drain hose by vrapping the plastic strap around he hose as shown in Figures
To exhaust the dryer straight from lack of the washer/dryer unit, jetermine if any additional exhaust duct is needed (see Exhaust qequirements. Panel 6). To exhaust
.he dryer to either side or Inside :heck If additional exhaust duct is Teeded and see Alternate Exhaust Wethods. Panel F Connect exhausl jucl to exhaust hood.
Use duct tape to seal all joints.
CHECK ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS. BE SURE YOU HAVE CORRECT ELECTRICAL SUPPLY AND RECOMMENDED GROUNDING METHOD. Check the installation inslructlons to see that you have completed each step. Complete any missed steps before you continue.
Check that all parts are now installed. See parts list, Panel A. If there is an extra part, go back through steps to see which step
DhilliDs screwdriver
Check that you have all of your tools
Turn on waler faucets and check for leaks. Tighten couplmgs if there is leaking.
Plug electrical cord into grounded outlet.
If access panel was removed to install ductwork, replace access panel. Be sure to tighten both screws.
33 1
Take a few minules and read the Use and Care Guide to fully understand your new wastierldryer. Now start the washer and allow
it to complete the regular cycle.
Remove the tape across the dryer lint screen. Check to be
sure lint screen is in its proper position. Wipe out drum. Start dryer and allow it to complete a cycle to make sure the dryer is working properly
Finally, save all literature and keep with the washer/dryer. Save all shlpping materials for reshipping.
You have
successfully Installed your KItchenAid washer/dryer.
To gel the most efliclent use from your new washer/dryer read your KItchenAId Use and Care Guide.
?xhausf ductwork can not be |
| |
:onnected from the side of the |
| |
vasher/dryer, the exhaust duct can | Check that you removed all the | ||||||
)e reached from the front, through | |||||||
shipping pieces including the three | |||||||
he access panel. Remove the | |||||||
shipping | straps with | keys. |
| ||||
access panel by unscrewing 2 |
| ||||||
)hllllps heads screws located at | If you | do | not | remove | the | shipping | |
he top of the panel. Set panel and | straps, | your | washer/dryer | may - | |||
icrews aside | “walk” awav | from its tocatlon. |
Keep lnete~ation instructions nearb)
| where you can refer to them. |
| They’ll make |
| your KItchenAId washer/dryer |
| In another home es easy |
\ | es the first Instattatlon. / |