washer does not start
W_r _ 't _.
Re_ lefti_t_.
Wash load too wet after
Water does not enter
weaher or it e_ | slowly, |
Water level does mot aover
Warm or hot water is not
hot em_%_h,
Water in washer does not
dzaluor4zai_ slowly.
Water leaks.
IEu=orreotwash and EiE_e
Water is _teringwaBher _t_£:U.%.
Cycleselectorisnotincc_rectpcsiticn. | Msveindicatorclcckwiseslightly.Pulloatknob. |
Motorisoverheated. | Zgshermstorwillstepifitbecc_esoverheated.Itwill |
| automaticallyrestartaftera ccoldownperiodofup to |
| 30 minutes {if washer has not been manually turned |
| dS. |
Lidisnotccmpletelyclceed. | Clc_elidcc_pletely. |
Heavilysoileditems. | Wipe tubwitha rmmabrasivehousekmldcleanser,then |
| rinse,shakeor brushemcessdirtandsandfromitems |
| beforewashir_. |
washerisoverloaded. | Donot overload washer .SeeWashingProcedure_. |
Loadisoutofbalance. | Rearrangeloadto allowproperspinning. |
Drainhceeiskinked. | Straightendrainhose. |
Watersupplyisnotadequateinarea. | Checkanotherfaucetinthehouse. Waituntilwater |
| supplyandpressurenmmease. |
Watersupplyfaucetsarenot ccnpletelyopen. Fullyopenhotand coldfaucets.
Waterisbeingusedelsewhereinthehouse. | _terpressuremh_tbeatleast30psi (260kPa).Avoid | ||
| rurmrungaterelsewherewhilewasherisfilling. | |
Waterinlethc_esarekinked. | Straightenhs_es. |
| |
I_ | waterlevelselecticn(for | Selecthi_er waterlevel/loadsize. | |
msd=iswithwaterlevel/loadsizeccntrol). |
| |
washerisoverloaded. | Do notove_loadwasher.Whenccntrolissetat hi,nest | ||
| filllevel,dryloadlevelshculdnotbe higherthantc_ | |
| rowofcircularholesinwashtub. | |
Hotwaterheateris settoo lowor isa | Memmm_ hotwatertenperatureatnearby faucetwith | ||
distancefrcmimmirycenter, | candyormeat themmm_ter. Watert_oerature should | ||
| be at least 130°F (70°C).Adjust water heater as | |
| necessary. |
Hotwater isbeingused elsewherein | Avoid using hot water elsewhere before or during | ||
thehsuse, | washer use. There may not be enough hot water | ||
| availablefmrprmgercleamng. Ifproblempersists,ysur | |
| hot water systemmaybe unable to supportm3re than | |
| luseat a time. |
Drainhos_iskinkedorc logged. | Cleanandstraightenthedrminhos_. | ||
Fillhc_eccrmectionat faucetorwasher. | Checkandtightenhose ccmmections. Installrubber | ||
| sealingwashersprovided. |
Hous_drainpipesarecicgged. | Lhclcgdrainpipes.Contactplunbe_ifnecessary. | ||
OvermlJsir_. | Use lessdetergent. |
| |
Hot and cold waterhoses are connected | connecthot waterhose to hot water faucet and cold | ||
towrongsupplyfaucets, | waterho_eto coldwaterfaucet. | ||
DraJ_hosestandpipeisincorrectheight. | Standpipemustbeaminimumof | 33" (83.82on) high | |
| to prevent siphoning. | See INSTALLATION |