Co on Washin Problems
| MEASURES | |||||||||||||
Bl_ |
| •Deter_t | softener | •If causedby detergc_lt,i_x i col)(240n_) | eAdd det ergc_lthe fore wash load/f_en start | ||||||||||||||||||||
| _lltevir_withlqu_ |
| (.95L) | water ilia | was_r. |
| |||||||||
| plasticc_iner. | Soakit_l |
| hour. | BJ/kse. |
| ||||
| •Ifcabby | fabric softener,_b | stainswith | iDilute fabricsoltener withwater. | ||||||||||||||
| bar soap. Wash. |
| ||
| 0Not enough | detergent. |
| • Rewash | with | correct |
| amount | of | detergent | • Sozt | iti_rs by | soil | level | _]dcolor. |
| |||||||
| • Wash | water | t en_Derature |
| too low. | andhottest | water | safe | for | fabric. |
| 2ktd | eUse | colm_ct | _ssunt | of | detergent, | _)ttest | ||||||
| • _ro_ct | sortin | 9 . |
| bleechsafe | for fabric | _ |
| water | _ibleach | safe | for fabric. |
| |||||||
_, | _41y_ |
| •Not er_m/ghdet ergc_lt. |
| •Treat wl_hprewash | stai]1l_oover or liquid | eUse c_Drrect _t |
| of deterge_lt ar_ | |||||||||||||||||
| • _k]tlluted | liquid | f abrlc | so f tenet | detelgent, |
| hsttest | water | safe | for | fabric. |
| ||||
| poareddlrectly_1 fa_ic _ |
| •Inc_gase det erg_%t ar_water | tc_eJfature _ | •130not pour | llquid _i_ | 6of t_ler | |||||||||||||||||
| Rewash. |
| 4_¥cm_. |
| Seegackagedirections | |||||||
| • Rub fabric | softener | stains | _ithbar |
| so_p_ | or_Pz_ |
| for | proper | diluting. | |||||
H_les,, | _ | •_o_ct | useofchlorinebleach. | •Maybeirreversableifrips,tearsaedse_ |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
| • Unfaster_d | zippers, hosks, | bud<] es. | cannot | be | mended. |
| • C_eck | c_lditi_l |
| of it | _s | be | f ore | was_itng. | ||||
| • Rips, | tears | andbroken | tP_ads. |
| See | Wash_ | _zoee_m_s | for | preparing |
up sr_clinj nofabric)
on dark items;
• DeCjl_tic_lof fabric.
• _r_ct | sot | tlr_. |
• T_ | left | intx_, |
• Overloadi_ | the washer. |
•Not enoughdetergent.
•Undissolved detergent hgs left
•Load washed too long.
•Hiiin_ _sno_iwithsynth_tab _
psm_r_t pres s fabrics '_s is dee
to abrasion f_n_ mormal wear.
•Unlissolveddeterg_. •Sc_ 1_onphosp_tegr_ular detergentscan cc_6ineWlthk_c_d water_rkneralstoformaresidue.
•Reduce lead size. Rewash using correct
water tergerature, water level, ar_ &Tot_]t of detergent.
•T{id nonprecipitati_watercor_iltionerto wash water,
• 2k_tliquid fabric sol tenet to fir_ iimse.
•R_e lir_withlir_h_ushor roller.
•Usea llntbrushorsblvertot_mmvepills.
•Add dissolveddetergenttotub •Rewash
•Mixicup (240iii)whitevinegarto igallon (3.8L)w_water _plastic o_ntainer. Soakitem.Rinseandre_ash.
• See W_ | _ |
| for so_t | _r_ and |
preparir_ | t]_e wash load. |
| ||
• Do _ot overload | washer. |
| |
•Usecorrect | _t | of | detergent, | water |
temperature | ar_ | water | level. |
•Use fabric softener inthe w_sher to luhricate f_ss.
•Whenirening_ use spray starch or fabric flnlabcncollars andcuffs _
•Turn items inside out to reduce abrasion _
•Imcr_se water t_ture | using hot test |
water safeforfahric. |
•Do not over lead washer. |
•L_e liqulddet erger_or usencr_recipitating warer coeditioner with nonphosphat e
| •Overloaden_washer. |
| •Re<gsc_lead slze. | |||
| •RJi_se_ncoldwat_r _d_ l_d fabric |
Yellowk_i1_ofp | •2_taticn ti_ tooshort. |
| •Seek in detergent booster or product | ||||
bodysoil_ | •Wash water | temperature | too low. | contalnlng ep_y_. | |||
| •Not enough detergent. |
| •Washinhst water (120OF/49oc) usip_ full | ||||
| permm_t press cycle _Increasedetergent _ |
| Pddbleachsafe for fabric. |
| •Or, treat w_th color rem_er. |
Yelloworbrown | • I ton | or manganese | In | water | supply, | •'[brestorediscoloredloadofwhites,use | |
| water | pipes, | or | water | heater. | rust_ver safeforfabric. | |
| DO notusechlorineblea=htor_ove |
| rus_staiu__.t_,i_t_m_7 |
•Do not over lead washer.
•Rector@items fromw&_her as sooi%as cycle
•Lgencrprecipitatingw_ter softenet _ •Before washlng, runhot water for a few nmdt_s tocle_rlin_.
•Drain_ater heater_iceally.
•_brancrson_prabl_ ,installa_iron filter inyour water supply syst_.