Place small item_ in ai_esh bag+
Fill dr!er dru]ll/3 to 1/2 full.
•Followthe9uidelinesbelowforprepanng theloadfordrying.
•ReadtheD_yer0_erating_M_.icms cardforoperatingyourspecificmodel.
• A.%s_'l_ read and £o110w fabric care labels and laundry p_uct | labels. |
_Torelicetheriskof | fire,electricalshock,orinjurytoperscms,read | |
Im_ | S_fety Ius_, | pages |
1 _ | items £or ck'l,ing. |
•Dry itemsof similarfabric,weight and ccs_tructicn in thesame load.
•Besurebuckles,buttonsandtrimareheatproofandwon't danmgethe
•Check forstains which may not have been r_sDved in washing. Dryer heat may permanent ly set some stains. Repeat stain removal process before
Z(_--kthatllutsmm_m isdeal _ lu_l_.
•Theaverageioadwillfillthedruni/3toi/2full. Iten3needroomto ttmble freely for even drying and less wrinkling. DOmOt overload 4kyer.
•Whendryinglargeiten3,d_ycsiy2or3atatin_.Fillouttheloadwiths_mll andmediumsizeditems.
•Ifdesired,addac_ fabricsoftenersheet.
4_ Closethedryerdoor andsetdryerccmtrols(scmemm_els).
See _KZ1er0pera_ | Zrs_ | card for your specific model controls. |
Turncycleselectorclockwiseto thedesiredsetting.
•Push Startbuttcn for2 sec_ri[s.
•Toaddorremsv_ it_swhenthe dryer is running,openthe door. Zhedryer wi ii always stop when the door is opened. A1 low the drum to come to a ccnpletestopbeforereaching inside.
7.Whe_ the cycle ends, remove items immediately and hang ar fold. ifload_sreTovedbeforetbecyclee_ds,turncycleselectortoOFF.