Safety Lid Lock
Stain Removal
Do not combine stain removal products.
9. start tJaewa_ae_.
Closethewasher lidandpull o_t the cycleselectorkmob.Washer will filland agitatewiththe lidopen. Thetubwill not spinunlessthe lidisclosed.
•To stop thew_sh_r, push inthe cycle selector knob.
• To c_ a cycle,_ushinthe cycleselectorknob.Turnit clockwisetothe
desired setting. Pull o_t the knob to restart the washer.
10.Remove items when the cycle is completed.
Forycursafety,thelidlockswh_nthe tubisspinninj.Itwillr_n_inlockedfor aboutI minute after the tub stopsspinning.
•Toope_thelidd_ringaspin,pushinthecycleselectorknd0andwaitahcut Iminuteforthelidlocktorelease.Donotforceopenthelockedlid.
Placewasheditemsinautc_mticdryer,linedry,ordryflatasdLrectedbyfahric carelabel.Imsesswrinklir@,colort_nsferorolorslraydevelcpinitemBleftin thewasherafterthecyclehasended.
Safe Stain Removal Procedures
coKplywith thebasicwarningslistedbelow:
•Keepproducts intheiroriginallabeledcontainersandoutofchildren's reach.
•Thoroughly wash any utensil used.
•Do not combine stain removal products, especially _nia and chlorine bleach. Dangerous f_s may result.
•Never wash items which have been previously cleaned in, washed in,
soaked inor spottedwithgasoline,dry cl_ solventsor other flammable
or explosive substances because they give off vapors that could ignite or explode.
•NeverusehighlyflaKmablesolvents, suchasgasoline, inside theha_e. Vapors can explode on contact with flames or sparks.
Forsu_ss fulstaiurGm_ml:
•Rerm_e stains promptly.
•Determine thekindof stain, then follow recomm_izdedtreatment inthe stain removal chart on the next page.
•Topretreat stains, useaprewashproduct, liquid detergent , or apaste made from granular detergent and water.
•Use cold water on unknown stains because hot water can set stains.
•Checkcare label instructicr_ for trea_ts to avoid on specific fabrics.
•Check for colorfastness by testing stain rer0_veron an inside seam.
•Rinse and wash items after stain removal.