Maytag MAH550 warranty Operating Sounds

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Operating Sounds ................................................

Normal operating sounds of your Maytag Neptune TM clothes washer

"Humming" sound during pre- wash,washand rinse

High pitch sound during a spin cycle,

Flushing water sound coming fromthe dispensearea.

Sloshing or gurgling water

sound whenwasheris offandthe tub is rotated.

"Whirring" or "Sloshing" sound followed by a pause, repeatedhroughouthewashcycle,

Theinternalpump will intermittentlyturn on and off.

The motor increasesspeedto spin the tub to removemois- ture from the load.

Detergentis dispensedat the start of the cycle.Bleachis dis-

pensedduringfinal minutesof wash.Fabricsofteneris dis- pensedduringthethirdrinsewhilethe washerisfilling.

Thesealedbalancering aroundthe tub containsa liquid and

is designedto makethe washerrun smoothly.

Thetub rotatesone directionfollowed by a pause.The tub reverses direction and pauses. This action continues

throughoutthe cycle.

Clothes washer maintains a



reduced spin


After reachingthe maximumspinspeed,the machinemay

afterachievinga higherspinspeed.

reducespin speedslightly to createlessnoiseand vibration.


The spin speed slows


The tumbler wilt begin to accelerateto speed,then slows

dramatically whenit soundslike

back down to redistributethe load more evenlywhen an

an out-of-balanceload.


unbalancedload occurs.




The MaytagNeptuneTM clotheswasher usesa true adaptive


is added after


fill and addsmorewater during the washcycleas it is need-




has been tumbling


for a while.


Waterflows through the dispenserto dilute and add bleachor




fabric softener at the appropriatetime. This will occureven if




bleachand fabric softenerarenot used.


Image 15
Contents QMAYrA6 Model Number Serial Number WelcomeImportant Safety Instructions Step Select Fabrics Load the Clothes WasherControls At a Glance Step Select Wash/Rinse Water Temperatures Step U Select OptionsWash rRINSE Temps Select the Signal Start Your Maytag Neptune TM Washer WaterFeatures DetergentDetergent Compartment Softener Compartment Bleach Compartment Chlorine Bleach OnlyCleaning the Dispenser Care and CleaningReversing the Clothes Washer Door Storing the Clothes WasherBefore You Call Cycle Selector Check these points if your Maytag Neptune TM washerOperating Sounds Questions & Answers To Receive Warranty Service Maytag Neptune TM Washer Warranty