Operating Sounds ................................................
Normal operating sounds of your Maytag Neptune TM clothes washer
"Humming" sound during pre- wash,washand rinse
High pitch sound during a spin cycle,
Flushing water sound coming fromthe dispensearea.
Sloshing or gurgling water
sound whenwasheris offandthe tub is rotated.
"Whirring" or "Sloshing" sound followed by a pause, repeatedhroughouthewashcycle,
Theinternalpump will intermittentlyturn on and off.
The motor increasesspeedto spin the tub to removemois- ture from the load.
Detergentis dispensedat the start of the cycle.Bleachis dis-
pensedduringfinal minutesof wash.Fabricsofteneris dis- pensedduringthethirdrinsewhilethe washerisfilling.
Thesealedbalancering aroundthe tub containsa liquid and
is designedto makethe washerrun smoothly.
Thetub rotatesone directionfollowed by a pause.The tub reverses direction and pauses. This action continues
throughoutthe cycle.
Clothes washer maintains a |
| ||
slightly | reduced spin | speed | After reachingthe maximumspinspeed,the machinemay |
afterachievinga higherspinspeed. | reducespin speedslightly to createlessnoiseand vibration. | ||
| |||
The spin speed slows | down | The tumbler wilt begin to accelerateto speed,then slows | |
dramatically whenit soundslike | back down to redistributethe load more evenlywhen an | ||
an |
| unbalancedload occurs. | |
| The MaytagNeptuneTM clotheswasher usesa true adaptive |
| is added after | the | fill and addsmorewater during the washcycleas it is need- |
Water | ed. | ||
washer | has been tumbling | OR | |
for a while. |
| Waterflows through the dispenserto dilute and add bleachor | |
| fabric softener at the appropriatetime. This will occureven if |
| bleachand fabric softenerarenot used. |