6.Be certain to keep cardboard spacer centered between doors. Reattach outer door panel to inner door panel so handle is on the side where hinges were just removed.
7.Attach door hinges to dryer door so that the larger hole is at the bottom of the hinge.
8.Remove door strike (E) from cabinet. Use a small,
9.Insert screws into bottom holes on left side of cabinet. Tighten screws halfway. Position door so large end of door hinge slot is over screws. Slide door up so screws are in bottom of slots. Tighten screws. Insert and tighten top screws in hinges.
10.Remove door strike plug (B). Insert the door strike you removed in Step 8 into hole and secure with screw. Insert door strike plug into original door strike hole and secure with screw.
11.Close door and check that door strike aligns with door catch
(C). If it is needed, slide door catch left or right within slot to adjust alignment.