Indesit IWE 8128 manual Running a wash cycle, Close the Door

Page 6

Running a wash cycle






button; the START/PAUSE indicator light will flash


slowly in a green colour.


2.LOAD THE LAUNDRY. Open the porthole door. Load the laundry, making sure you do not exceed the maximum load value indicated in the table of programmes on the following page.

3.MEASURE OUT THE DETERGENT. Pull out the detergent dispenser drawer and pour the detergent into the relevant compartments as described in "Detergents and laundry".


5.SELECT THE WASH CYCLE. Set the WASH CYCLE knob to the desired programme; a temperature and spin speed is set for each wash cycle; these may be adjusted. The duration of the cycle will appear on the display.

6.CUSTOMISE THE WASH CYCLE. Use the relevant buttons:

Modifying the temperature and/or spin speed. The machine automatically displays the maximum temperature and spin speed values set for the selected cycle, or the most recently-used settings if they are compatible with the selected cycle. The temperature can be decreased by pressing the button, until the cold wash "OFF" setting is reached. The spin speed may be progressively reduced by pressing the button, until it is completely excluded (the "OFF" setting). If these buttons are pressed again, the maximum values are restored.

Setting a delayed start.

To set a delayed start for the selected programme, press the corresponding button repeatedly until the required delay period has been reached. When this option is enabled, the symbol lights up on the display. To remove the delayed start option press the button until the text "OFF" appears on the display.

Modifying the cycle settings.

Press the button to enable the option; the indicator light corresponding to the button will switch on.

Press the button again to disable the option; the indicator light will switch off.

￿If the selected option is not compatible with the programmed wash cycle, the indicator light will flash and the option will not be activated.

￿If the selected option is not compatible with another option which has been selected previously, the indicator light corresponding to the first option

selected will flash and only the second option will be activated; the indicator light corresponding to the enabled option will remain lit.

￿ The options may affect the recommended load value and/or the duration of the cycle.

7.START THE PROGRAMME. Press the START/ PAUSE button. The corresponding indicator light will become green, remaining lit in a fixed manner, and

the door will be locked (the DOOR LOCKED symbol will be on). To change a wash cycle while it is in progress, pause the washing machine using the START/PAUSE button (the START/PAUSE indicator light will flash slowly in an orange colour); then select the desired cycle and press the START/ PAUSE button again.

To open the door while a cycle is in progress, press the START/PAUSE button; if the DOOR LOCKED symbol is switched off the door may be opened.

Press the START/PAUSE button again to restart the wash cycle from the point at which it was interrupted.


indicated by the text "END" on the display; when the DOOR LOCKED symbol switches off the door may be opened. Open the door, unload the laundry and switch off the machine.

￿If you wish to cancel a cycle which has already

begun, press and hold the button. The cycle will be stopped and the machine will switch off.


Image 6
Contents Instructions for use Washing MachineInstallation Connecting the electricity and water suppliesUnpacking and levelling Technical data First wash cycleDescription of the washing machine Control panelDisplay Running a wash cycle Close the DoorWash cycles and options Table of wash cyclesWash options Preparing the laundry Detergents and laundryDetergent dispenser drawer Load balancing systemDisposal Precautions and tipsGeneral safety Opening the porthole door manuallyCare and maintenance Troubleshooting Problem Possible causes / SolutionsService Iíñòðóêöiÿ ç åêñïëóàòàöi¿ Âñòàíîâëåííÿ Ðîçïàêóâàííÿ òà âèð³âíþâàííÿ³äêëþ÷åííÿ âîäè é åëåêòðîåíåð㳿 Ïåðøèé öèêë ïðàííÿ Îïèñ ïðàëüíî¿ ìàøèíè Ïàíåëü êåðóâàííÿÄèñïëåé ßê çä³éñíþâàòè öèêë ïðàííÿ Çàêðèéòå ËÞÊÏðîãðàìè é îïö³¿ Òàáëèöÿ ïðîãðàìÎïö³¿ ïðàííÿ Ñïåöiàëüíi ïðîãðàìè Ïðàëüí³ çàñîáè òà á³ëèçíà³äãîòîâêà á³ëèçíè Ñèñòåìà áàëàíñóâàííÿ çàâàíòàæåííÿÓòèë³çàö³ÿ Çàïîá³æí³ çàõîäè òà ïîðàäèÇàãàëüíà áåçïåêà Ðó÷íå â³äêðèâàííÿ ëþêóÄîãëÿä òà î÷èùåííÿ Íåñïðàâíîñò³ òà çàñîáè ¿õ óñóíåííÿ Íåñïðàâíîñòi Ìîæëèâ³ ïðè÷èíè/гøåííÿÄîïîìîãà Kullanma Kýlavuzu Montaj Ambalajýn çýkartýlmasý ve ayný seviyeye getirilmesiSu ve elektrik baðlantýlarý Ýlk yýkama Teknik bilgilerÇamaþýr makinesinin tanýmý Kontrol paneliEkran Bir yýkama devri nasýl yapýlýr Makinenin ÇaliþtirilmasiMakine Kapaðinin Kapatilmasi Programlar ve iþlevler Program tablosuYýkama iþlevleri Çamaþýr hazýrlanmasý Deterjanlar ve çamaþýrDeterjan haznesi Yük dengeleme sistemiAtýklarýn tasfiye edilmesi Önlemler ve önerilerGenel güvenlik uyarýlarý Cam kapaðýn açýlmasýBakým ve özen Arýzalar ve onarýmlar Arýzalar Olasý nedenler / ÇözümlerTeknik Servis Ïäçãßåò ÷ñÞóçò ÅãêáôÜóôáóç Áðïóõóêåõáóßá êáé ïñéæïíôßùóçÕäñáõëéêÝò êáé çëåêôñéêÝò óõíäÝóåéò Ðñþôïò êýêëïò ðëõóßìáôïò Ôå÷íéêÜ óôïé÷åßáÐåñéãñáöÞ ôïõ ðëõíôçñßïõ Ðßíáêáò åëÝã÷ïõÏèüíç Ðùò äéåíåñãåßôáé Ýíáò êýêëïò ðëõóßìáôïò Êëåéóôå ÔÇÍ ÐïñôáÅÊÊÉÍÇÓÇ/ÐÁÕÓÇ ÐñïãñÜììáôá êáé ëåéôïõñãßåò Ðßíáêáò ôùí ÐñïãñáììÜôùíËåéôïõñãßåò ðëõóßìáôïò Ðñïåôïéìáóßá ôçò ìðïõãÜäáò ÁðïññõðáíôéêÜ êáé ìðïõãÜäáÈÞêç áðïññõðáíôéêþí ÅéäéêÜ ðñïãñÜììáôáÄéÜèåóç ÐñïöõëÜîåéò êáé óõìâïõëÝòÃåíéêÞ áóöÜëåéá ×åéñïíáêôéêü Üíïéãìá ôçò ðüñôáòÓõíôÞñçóç êáé öñïíôßäá Áíùìáëßåò êáé ëýóåéò Áíùìáëßåò ÄõíáôÜ áßôéá / ËýóçÕðïóôÞñéîç 195086476.02