Indesit IWE 8128 manual Ýlk yýkama, Teknik bilgiler

Page 27

Tahliye hortumunun takýlmasý

￿Uzatma kablosu ile çoklu prizler kullanmayýnýz.


65 - 100 cm

Tahliye hortumunu, katlanmasýný önleyerek, zemindeki veya yerden 65 ile 100 cm yükseklik arasýndaki bir duvar tahliyesine takýnýz

￿Kablonun ezilmemesi ve katlanmamasý gerekir.

￿Beslenme kablosunun yalnýzca yetkili teknisyenler tarafýndan deðiþtirilmelidir.

Dikkat! Bu kurallara uyulmamasý halinde firma hiç bir sorumluluk kabul etmemektedir.

Ýlk yýkama

veya mevcut olan kýlavuzu çeþmeye baðlayarak lavabo ya da küvet kenarýna yaslayýnýz (bkz. þekil). Tahliye hortumunun serbest ucunun suya girmemesi gerekir.

￿Tahliye hortumu için ilave uzatma kullanýlmamasý tavsiye olunur; aksi mümkün deðilse, uzatma hortumunun çapýnýn da ayný olmasý ve 150 cm. den uzun olmamasý gerekir.

Elektrik baðlantýsý

Fiþi prize takmadan evvel aþaðýdaki hususlara dikkat ediniz:

prizin topraklamasýnýn yürürlükteki normlara uygun olmasýna;

prizin, makinenin Teknik Veriler tabelasýnda belirtilen, azami gücünü taþýyabilecek olmasýna (bkz. yan taraf);

þebeke geriliminin, Teknik Veriler tabelasýnda belirtilen deðerlere uygun olmasýna (bkz. yan taraf);

prizin çamaþýr makinesinin fiþiyle uyumlu olmasýna. Aksi takdirde fiþi veya prizi deðiþtiriniz.

￿Çamaþýr makinesi, muhafazalý olsa bile açýk alanda monte edilemez, çünkü rüzgara ve yaðmura maruz kalmasý çok tehlikelidir.

￿Monte edilen çamaþýr makinesinin fiþinin kolaylýkla eriþilebilir olmasý gerekir.

Montajdan sonra, çamaþýr koymaksýzýn deterjanla 2. programý ayarlayarak yýkama yapýnýz.

Teknik bilgiler


IWE 8128








geniþlik 59,5 cm


yükseklik 85 cm




derinlik 60 cm






1 - 8 kg





Elektrik baðlantýlarý

makine üstünde takýlý olan teknik

veriler plakasýna bakýnýz.











max. su basýncý 1 MPa (10 bar)

Su baðlantýlarý

min. su basýncý 0,05 MPa (0,5 bar)




tambur kapasitesi 62 litre





Sýkma hýzý

maksimum dakikada 1200 devire









EN 60456



program 2; 60°C sýcaklýkta;

uyarýnca kontrol

8 kg çamaþýrla.










Bu makina aþaðýda belirtilen AB




normlarýna uygundur:




- 2004/108/CE (Elektromanyetik








- 2002/96/CE




- 2006/95/CE (Alçak gerilim)





Image 27
Contents Washing Machine Instructions for useInstallation Connecting the electricity and water suppliesUnpacking and levelling First wash cycle Technical dataControl panel Description of the washing machineDisplay Close the Door Running a wash cycleWash cycles and options Table of wash cyclesWash options Load balancing system Detergents and laundryDetergent dispenser drawer Preparing the laundryOpening the porthole door manually Precautions and tipsGeneral safety DisposalCare and maintenance Problem Possible causes / Solutions TroubleshootingService Iíñòðóêöiÿ ç åêñïëóàòàöi¿ Âñòàíîâëåííÿ Ðîçïàêóâàííÿ òà âèð³âíþâàííÿ³äêëþ÷åííÿ âîäè é åëåêòðîåíåð㳿 Ïåðøèé öèêë ïðàííÿ Ïàíåëü êåðóâàííÿ Îïèñ ïðàëüíî¿ ìàøèíèÄèñïëåé Çàêðèéòå ËÞÊ ßê çä³éñíþâàòè öèêë ïðàííÿÏðîãðàìè é îïö³¿ Òàáëèöÿ ïðîãðàìÎïö³¿ ïðàííÿ Ñèñòåìà áàëàíñóâàííÿ çàâàíòàæåííÿ Ïðàëüí³ çàñîáè òà á³ëèçíà³äãîòîâêà á³ëèçíè Ñïåöiàëüíi ïðîãðàìèÐó÷íå â³äêðèâàííÿ ëþêó Çàïîá³æí³ çàõîäè òà ïîðàäèÇàãàëüíà áåçïåêà Óòèë³çàö³ÿÄîãëÿä òà î÷èùåííÿ Íåñïðàâíîñòi Ìîæëèâ³ ïðè÷èíè/гøåííÿ Íåñïðàâíîñò³ òà çàñîáè ¿õ óñóíåííÿÄîïîìîãà Kullanma Kýlavuzu Montaj Ambalajýn çýkartýlmasý ve ayný seviyeye getirilmesiSu ve elektrik baðlantýlarý Teknik bilgiler Ýlk yýkamaKontrol paneli Çamaþýr makinesinin tanýmýEkran Bir yýkama devri nasýl yapýlýr Makinenin ÇaliþtirilmasiMakine Kapaðinin Kapatilmasi Programlar ve iþlevler Program tablosuYýkama iþlevleri Yük dengeleme sistemi Deterjanlar ve çamaþýrDeterjan haznesi Çamaþýr hazýrlanmasýCam kapaðýn açýlmasý Önlemler ve önerilerGenel güvenlik uyarýlarý Atýklarýn tasfiye edilmesiBakým ve özen Arýzalar Olasý nedenler / Çözümler Arýzalar ve onarýmlarTeknik Servis Ïäçãßåò ÷ñÞóçò ÅãêáôÜóôáóç Áðïóõóêåõáóßá êáé ïñéæïíôßùóçÕäñáõëéêÝò êáé çëåêôñéêÝò óõíäÝóåéò Ôå÷íéêÜ óôïé÷åßá Ðñþôïò êýêëïò ðëõóßìáôïòÐßíáêáò åëÝã÷ïõ ÐåñéãñáöÞ ôïõ ðëõíôçñßïõÏèüíç Ðùò äéåíåñãåßôáé Ýíáò êýêëïò ðëõóßìáôïò Êëåéóôå ÔÇÍ ÐïñôáÅÊÊÉÍÇÓÇ/ÐÁÕÓÇ ÐñïãñÜììáôá êáé ëåéôïõñãßåò Ðßíáêáò ôùí ÐñïãñáììÜôùíËåéôïõñãßåò ðëõóßìáôïò ÅéäéêÜ ðñïãñÜììáôá ÁðïññõðáíôéêÜ êáé ìðïõãÜäáÈÞêç áðïññõðáíôéêþí Ðñïåôïéìáóßá ôçò ìðïõãÜäáò×åéñïíáêôéêü Üíïéãìá ôçò ðüñôáò ÐñïöõëÜîåéò êáé óõìâïõëÝòÃåíéêÞ áóöÜëåéá ÄéÜèåóçÓõíôÞñçóç êáé öñïíôßäá Áíùìáëßåò ÄõíáôÜ áßôéá / Ëýóç Áíùìáëßåò êáé ëýóåéò195086476.02 ÕðïóôÞñéîç

IWE 8128 specifications

The Indesit IWE 8128 is a versatile and efficient washing machine designed to meet the needs of modern households. This front-loading washing machine stands out for its impressive capacity, innovative features, and user-friendly design, making laundry day a less daunting task.

One of the main features of the Indesit IWE 8128 is its generous 8 kg wash capacity. This allows users to wash large loads in one go, reducing the number of cycles needed and saving time and energy overall. It is particularly suitable for families or individuals with busy lifestyles who require efficiency without compromising on cleaning quality.

The IWE 8128 boasts an extensive range of 16 washing programs tailored to different fabric types and soiling levels. From daily washes to specialized cycles for delicate items or heavy-duty soiling, the machine offers flexibility to users while ensuring optimal care for their clothes. Notable cycles include the Eco Wash, Express, and Clean & Care programs, allowing for tailored washing solutions for every laundry requirement.

Energy efficiency is another hallmark of the Indesit IWE 8128, which is rated A+++. This high rating signifies that the washer operates with minimal energy consumption while still delivering high cleaning performance. This results in significant savings on electricity bills over time, making it an eco-friendly choice for conscientious consumers.

Moreover, the Indesit IWE 8128 is equipped with innovative technologies designed to enhance user convenience. The Delay Timer feature offers flexibility by allowing users to load the machine and schedule the wash cycle to start at a later time, offering convenience for busy schedules. Additionally, the machine features a Woolmark-approved cycle, ensuring that woolen items are washed gently and without any damage.

The washing machine also incorporates the 'Push and Wash’ technology, which simplifies the washing process by allowing users to start a wash cycle with a single button press. This feature is especially useful for quick washes, delivering a clean and fresh load in just 50 minutes.

In terms of design, the Indesit IWE 8128 showcases a modern and sleek appearance, making it a stylish addition to any laundry space. Its user-friendly digital display and intuitive controls further make operation easy, allowing users to select their preferred cycle and options with minimal effort.

In summary, the Indesit IWE 8128 combines practicality, efficiency, and advanced technology, making it an ideal choice for households looking to enhance their laundry experience. With its capacity, variety of programs, and energy-saving features, it stands as a reliable and economical solution for all washing needs.