address and IRQ 3 for the interrupt address. The options are Disabled, 2F8/IRQ3, 3E8/IRQ4 and 2E8/IRQ3.
Serial Port 2 Mode
Tells BIOS which mode to select for serial port 2. The options are Normal, IrDA and ASKIR.
DMI Event Logging
View Event Log
Highlight this item and press <Enter> to view the contents of the event log.
Mark All Events as Read
Highlight this item and press <Enter> to mark all events as read.
Clear Event Log
Select Yes and press <Enter> to clear all event logs. The options are Yes and No to verify.
Console Redirection
Remote Access
Allows you to Enable or Disable remote access. If enabled, the settings below
will appear.
Serial Port Number
Selects the serial port to use for console redirection. Options are COM1 and COM2.
Serial Port Mode
Selects the serial port settings to use. Options are (115200 8, n, 1), (57600 8, n, 1), (38400 8, n, 1), (19200 8, n, 1) and (09600 8, n, 1).
Flow Control
Selects the fl ow control to be used for console redirection. Options are None, Hardware and Software.