Units Speed. Units of Speed allows the selection of MPH (statute miles per hour), or KTS (nautical miles per hour). Use the Arrow buttons to highlight the desired selection.
Units Depth. The Units Depth function allows the user to select the units of measurement for the depth readout. FEET and METRES are available.
The 450TX remembers this selection even when the unit is powered off.
Languages. There are thirteen languages available within the Languages option menu: English, French, Italian, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish, Finnish, Portuguese, Polish, Danish, Hungarian and Dutch. To select your language, push the UP or DOWN ARROW BUTTONS to scroll through the list.
The 450TX remembers this selection even when the unit is powered off.
Speed Offset. The Speed Offset option allows the user to compensate for differences in hull design, and its effect on the accuracy of the speed measurement. If there is a discrepancy between the indicated speed and another speed measurement device on the boat, the speed measurement can be varied to improve accuracy. Remember, the speed paddle wheel measures speed through the water, not speed over ground.
Speed offset is remembered after power is disconnected.
Depth Offset. The Depth Offset allows the user to select the point on the boat from which the depth measurement is made. Selecting a positive value adds distance to the measurement. If the transducer is mounted 3 feet beneath the