Selecting the color bar (hue) and white level
Understanding the color bar
The color bar displayed at the extreme left of the ECHO screen shows the range of colors used to display different echo strengths. Weaker echoes are displayed with colors near the bottom of the scale, and stronger echoes are displayed with colors near the top.
You can choose any one of nine palettes of colors to represent the echo strengths from weakest to strongest.
•Color bar #1 is the one most often used.
•Color bar #2 is similar but with fewer colors, to aid visibil- ity under some conditions.
•Color bars #
•Color bar #9 uses only a single color, ranging from very dark to very bright.
Selecting the color bar (hue)
To select the color bar:
1.On the ECHO screen, press PICTURE.
2.Press HUE.
3.At the HUE AND WHITE LEVEL window, press the CURSOR PAD left or right to select the color bar desired, or use the KEYPAD to manually enter the number of the color bar.
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