One boom is supplied as shown below, all gear should be on or in the boom. Set the vang slide to 625mm to the centre of the slide from the back of the mast track. Set the front main sheet slide to 1385mm to the centre of the slide from the back of the mast track, also have the second mainsheet slide set just behind the first one at the 1385mm point.
One pole is supplied with the ends facing up. From the rope bag tie the pole rope on as the picture below shows, so the rope hangs below the pole when being used.
Bow Attachments
Have the bow attachments, shackled as shown. Then tie on the false forestay elastic and the jib tack rope, then tie the jib tack down as required.
Forestay Spinner and Jib Head
Shackle onto the forestay spinner and then use the rope for the jib head tie, to get the optimal position for your jib every time you go sailing. You can use the long shackle or the short shackle, plus also use the supplied tie if required. The position of the jib head should be approx 20mm from the bottom surface of the spinner. Below is a picture using the long shackle (which we recommend with no tie).