S/C Yachts SC 420 manual Introduction, Mast, Rigging Pack

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420 Instruction Manual – 2008 Edition


The boat comes with all gear ready to sail, however there is a certain amount of assembly which we hope we can cover in this instruction manual and through the tuning guide, that will make it much quicker to assemble and get your SC 420 on the water ready for sailing or racing.

All the parts come in the boats except the masts, which will be located in the container together. So after you find the mast you must then open up your boat and assemble in any order that suits your requirements. In the below information and also with the assistance of the tuning guide, you should be able to correctly set up each specific part of the boat.


The mast comes with the adjustable spreaders and you will need to bolt these on (nuts and bolts provided), also put the shroud in the spreader end using a screwdriver (position the shroud wire behind the bolt). Fasten the shroud and the trapeze lines in with the T terminals before attaching the shroud to the spreader end. You will also need to feed the ropes into the mast via the mouse line supplied, the best way to do this is to tape the two ropes together securely prior to pulling the new line through. The spreader adjusters work very well and 1 full turn is equal to 5mm of pre bend. To set these up originally I recommend pulling on a reasonable amount of tension, then step back 15 metres + and line up the shroud wire just above the shroud adjuster and then compare the shroud/spreader position. Make these even first before attempting to tune the rig, also I advise having more bend than required originally and then reducing it once you are close to the tuning numbers on the rig tension and mast rake.

Rigging Pack

Below is a picture of the rigging pack supplied by Seldon. You will find in it the Topper and Topper Hook, the Main Halyard, the Spinnaker Halyard, the Trapeze Wires, the Forestay and Forestay Halyard, the Shrouds, the Rig Tension Strop, the False Forestay and lastly the Inner Forestay (to this the Forestay Spinner, is required to be added by putting on above the swage and inserting the bolt, so it can’t come back off).

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Contents Mast IntroductionRigging Pack Pole BoomBow Attachments Forestay Spinner and Jib HeadSpreader Length and Marks Mast BaseTrapeze System Fitting Bag Rope BagJib Sheet Marks Spinnaker Sheets and Spinnaker Knots VangMainsheet Pole Hook Plastic Rope BallsChocks and Reverse Chocking Compass Bracket Centre Case SystemsSponge and Bailer Centreboard FasteningTension Gauge Spare Mylar Wind Indicator ShacklesCovers Rudder StockTrolley Sails Tuning