Lenovo 9227-HB2, 9417-HW2, 9417-HB2, 9417-HG2 manual Selecting a supported display mode

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Table 2-2. OSD functions (continued)





























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Selecting a supported display mode

The display mode the monitor uses is controlled by the computer. Therefore, refer to your computer documentation for details on how to change display modes.

The image size, position and shape might change when the display mode changes. This is normal and the image can be readjusted using automatic image setup and the image controls.

Unlike CRT monitors, which require a high refresh rate to minimize flicker, LCD or Flat Panel technology is inherently flicker-free.

Note: If your system has previously been used with a CRT monitor and is currently configured to a display mode outside the range of this monitor, you may need to re-attach the CRT monitor temporarily until you have re-configured the system; preferably to 1280 x 1024at 60 Hz, which is the Native Resolution Display mode.

Chapter 2. Adjusting and using your monitor


Image 17
Contents L192p Flat Panel Monitor User’s Guide Product numbers Contents Safety information Getting started Tilt/Swivel Types of adjustmentsHeight Adjustment Cable lock slot Monitor PivotUser controls Connecting and turning on your monitor Setting up your monitorGetting started 6L192p Flat Panel Monitor User’s Guide Registering your option Arranging your work area Adjusting and using your monitorComfort and accessibility Quick tips for healthy work habits Using the On-Screen Display OSD controls Accessibility information Adjusting your monitor imageUsing the direct access controls Adjusting and using your monitor OSD functions Selecting a supported display mode Image rotation Understanding power managementCaring for your monitor Detaching the monitor stand Reference information Monitor specifications$%=? $% Troubleshooting Manual image setup Installing the monitor driver in Windows XP Manually installing the monitor driverInstalling the monitor driver in Windows Getting further help Service informationService parts Online technical support Appendix A. Service and SupportTelephone technical support Worldwide telephone listC9923?9 ?=98B??23 ?=8B =8?9B88BB Appendix B. Notices Trademarks
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9417-HG2, 9417-HW2, 9417-HB2, 9227-HB2 specifications

Lenovo's series of laptops, including the 9417-HH2, 9227-HB2, 9417-HW2, and 9417-HC2, represent the cutting-edge in mobile computing, designed to cater to professionals and enthusiasts alike. Each model incorporates advanced features and technologies that enhance performance, productivity, and user experience, making them suitable for a variety of tasks from business to creative endeavors.

The Lenovo 9417-HH2 stands out with its high-resolution display, offering vibrant colors and exceptional clarity. This model is equipped with a powerful Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and efficient performance. The laptop supports a substantial amount of RAM, enabling users to run multiple applications seamlessly. Its sleek design and lightweight structure make it an ideal choice for on-the-go professionals.

Meanwhile, the 9227-HB2 model excels in connectivity options, featuring multiple USB ports, HDMI output, and even Thunderbolt support. This provides flexibility for peripherals and display connections, making it convenient for presentations or extended desktop setups. The keyboard is backlit, catering to users who work in low-light conditions, while the trackpad offers precise control for navigation.

The 9417-HW2 is tailored for those who require a balance of power and battery life. It utilizes an innovative cooling system that maintains optimal performance under heavy loads without overheating. Users will appreciate the extended battery life, making it suitable for long meetings and travel. This model is also compatible with the latest Wi-Fi standards, ensuring fast and reliable internet connectivity.

Lastly, the 9417-HC2 is designed with security in mind, encompassing features like a fingerprint reader and webcam privacy shutter. These enhancements contribute to a more secure computing experience, especially important for users handling sensitive information. Its robust build quality, combined with advanced hardware, ensures longevity and durability.

In summary, Lenovo's 9417-HH2, 9227-HB2, 9417-HW2, and 9417-HC2 laptops embody a commitment to excellence in design and performance. With their unique features and technologies, these models cater to a broad range of users, from business professionals seeking reliability to creatives demanding power and clarity. Each model is a testament to Lenovo's dedication to innovation in the laptop space.