Keyword search
The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations can accept up to three keywords for a search. The quotations containing ALL the entered keywords can be searched for.
Find quotations that incorporate ‘man’ and ‘woman’.
1.Press uto open the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.
Press the }key to place the cursor at the ‘Keyword search’, then press e.
The input screen of the Keyword search appears.
2.Input ‘man’, press the }key, then input ‘woman’.
Up to 24 characters can be entered in each input field. To jump the cursor from one input field to another, use the {}keys.
3.Press e.
The search results of the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations are listed. If no match is found, a message ‘Not Found!’ will momentarily be displayed.
•The list consists of essential words in the quotations that include the given keyword. Even if more than two keywords are given, the list will consist of essential words in the quotations that include the first keyword.
•Singular and plural nouns must be searched for separately. Words such as ‘man’ and ‘men’, as well as ‘lover’ and ‘lovers’, are to be searched as two different words.
•To search for compound words such as ‘Holy Ghost’, ‘middle class’, and ‘self- made’, modify the entry by eliminating space and hyphen (i.e. ‘holyghost’, ‘middleclass’, and ‘selfmade’), to form a single keyword.
4.Select the desired quotation using the number keys (press 1, in this example). The details of the selected quotation appear.
•The Quick View function cannot be activated from this screen.
•The name of the author and the Note icon () will appear on the first or second row.
While the Note icon is visible on the screen, press rand eto view the full set of quotations of the author (the same result can be viewed by initiating the search by entering the name of the author).
•Press fto return to the previous screen.
•Press ^lto list the search results.
•To initiate a new search, simply start typing, or press bto go to the input screen of the keyword search.