2.9Event Marker
The event marker functions to mark important locations on the screen, and five event markers may be inscribed. Each time the [EVENT] key is pressed the “latest event marker” (⊕ ) is inscribed at the cursor location and all previously entered event markers are shown by the “previous event marker” (+). When the capacity for event markers is reached the eldest event marker is erased from the screen to make room for the latest.
Note 1: With position data the event marker moves with ship’s movement. The event marker can be inscribed without position data, however it will be stationary.
Note 2: The event marker cannot be inscribed from the sub window (strata, history and video plotter displays). It can only be inscribes from the main window.
Note 3: Event marker position van be output to external equipment and marked on the display of the external equipment. Each press of the [EVENT] key outputs event marker position. For details see TARGET L/L on page
Note 4: The tilt angle must be less than 75 degrees to use this feature.
2.9.1Inscribing the event marker
1.Operate the Omnipad to place the cursor on the location desired for an event marker.
2.Press the [EVENT] key to inscribe the event marker. Event marker data appears at the bottom
"Latest event marker"
Display area
"Previous event marker" |
| NAV | |||
| |
| DATA |
Event marker data
→: Horizontal range
B: Bearing
To delete all event markers, place the cursor outside the display area and press the [EVENT] key.