The display on STANDARD HORIZON GPS Chart Plotters shows a history of time of the echoes received by the transducer. The STANDARD HORIZON GPS Chart Plotters have a menu that allows adjustments to receiver sensitivity, depth range and scrolling speed of the Fish Finder display.
Figure 4.0 - The Fish Finder page
Following there is a brief description of terms listed in the previous Figure:
Warning Message
This is a flashing label that is turned On when the echo sounder is in Simulation mode.
Fish Finder window
It is the graphic presentation of sonar soundings recorded as a continuous profile scrolling across the screen from right to left. Such recordings represent the image of the water beneath your boat, items appear as they pass under your transducer; the items on the right side of the screen are closer to you than those on the left. The correct interpretation of the Fish Finder page allows retrieving useful information about what is under the boat.
Color Bar
The colored scale located on the left side of the screen that shows the colors used in the Fish Finder page to represent the echoes strength. The color on the top of the bar represents the maximum echo strength, while the color on the bottom of the bar represents the minimum echo strength.
Digital Depth
Readout of the current bottom depth.
Water Temperature
Readout of the current water temperature returned by the temperature sensor located in the depth transducer (TEMP1 sensor).
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