7.13The Fish Finder is in Auto Gain mode but the picture display too many small targets, what shall I do to reduce the screen clutter?
Try increasing the NOISE LEVEL or decreasing the GAIN OFFSET.
7.14In very shallow waters when the Auto Gain mode is selected there are fluctuations in the bottom profile width and its color representation. What should I do?
In very shallow waters the environment situation (bottom/water condition) change very quickly thus causing the auto gain algorithm to create oscillations while trying to set optimal GAIN value for each situation. To avoid this it is advisable to switch to MANUAL GAIN mode and fine tune the GAIN to a fixed setting.
7.15In very deep waters even setting the GAIN to its maximum value I cannot see the bottom what shall I do?
Try decreasing the NOISE LEVEL. If still the bottom is not visible there is nothing you can do, the bottom echo is simply too weak to be detected.
7.16GPS Chart Plotter shows no data when viewing the Fish Finder page
This may be due to the FF520 having an issue. To confirm, listen to the depth transducer for the transmit pulse. If the pulse is not heard the FF520 is defective.
7.17LED Status Indicator
The FF520 has a small LED that blinks. There are seven different LED behaviours, representing seven different diagnostic conditions described below.
· OFF | : DC power is not being supplied to the |
| FF520. |
· ON CONTINUOUSLY | : The transducer is not connected to the |
| GPS Chart Plotter or problem with cable of |
| the transducer cable. |
· 1 LONG FLASH EVERY 2 SECONDS | : The FF520 is not connected with the GPS |
| Chart Plotter. |
· 1 SHORT FLASH EVERY 2 SECONDS | : The FF520 is connected to the GPS Chart |
| Plotter and is operating correctly. |
·2 SHORT FLASHES EVERY 2 SECONDS: The FF520 is connected to the GPS Chart Plotter and is operating correctly.
·4 SHORT FLASHES EVERY 2 SECONDS: No transducer connected.
FF520 |
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