8.AIS alarm messages (NMEA 0183 ALR, Text)
Local alarm condition and status. This sentence is used to report an alarm condition on a device and its current state of acknowledgement.
ALR message format
| Field |
| Format |
| Description |
| |||
1 |
| x |
| hhmmss.ss = Time of alarm (UTC) |
| ||
2 |
| Unique alarm number |
| |
3 |
| Alarm condition |
| |
4 |
| Alarm acknowledge state |
| |
5 |
| Alarm description, text |
| |
| Alarm descriptions presented are: |
| AIS: TX malfunction |
| AIS: Antenna VSWR exceeds limit |
| AIS: Rx channel 1 malfunction |
| AIS: Rx channel 2 malfunction |
| AIS: general failure |
| AIS: no sensor position in use |
| AIS: no valid SOG information |
| AIS: no valid COG information |
| AIS: 12V alarm |
| AIS: 5V alarm |
| AIS: Loss of serial interface integrity |
| AIS: Background noise above |
9.ACK messages
An Acknowledge Message (ACK) can be generated by a minimum keypad and display (MKD) unit, chart plotter or other display device connected to the
ACK message format
| Field |
| Format |
| Description |
| |||
1 |
| x |
| unique alarm number |