without the “dog ears” are nicknamed “soapbar” because the original cre a m - c o l o red plastic covers on the 1952 Les Paul Model resembled bars of soap. When the
Pickup adjustments. Although the pickups on each Les Paul are set to Gibson standards at the f a c t o ry, they can be adjusted. The height of the pickup can be adjusted by the two scre w s found at either end of the pickup, in the mounting ring. Individual string volume can be adjust- ed by turning the polepiece screws. Bringing the pickup or pole screw closer to the strings makes the signal stronger or “hotter.”
C o n t ro l s . The standard Gibson electronic configuration is two pickups, four knobs, and a pick- up selector switch. The four knobs provide individual tone and volume control for each pick- up. Models with only three knobs provide individual volume and master tone control. Single pickup models have only two