Heat and cold: G i b s o n ’s nitrocellulose finish can expand or contract to adjust to extreme tem- p e r a t u res and
R a i n : Water wipes off the instru m e n t ’s finish easily, but if allowed to remain, it can cause ugly water spots in the lacquer.
S u n : Avoid direct rays of the sun on your Gibson. Direct sunlight can blister or discolor the finish.
M o re Things to Av o i d . When using a shoulder strap for a standing playing position, check that all contact points and strap fasteners are secure.
Guitar stands with rubber supports that contain dye or plasticizers can “eat away” at the lac- quer finish or leave a stain on your guitar that goes through the lacquer finish and into the wood. These stains are permanent and this sort of damage is n o t c o v e red under your warr a n- t y. We recommend covering the rubber parts of the stand with a soft cotton cloth (such as a guitar polishing cloth) and using a guitar stand only for temporary “storage” of your instru m e n t .