F u n c t i o n | MCK Position |
C h a rge Mode | Pull MCK out, turn to |
| C LED and pre s s |
| d i s p l a y |
Display LEDs
Your current charg e level will be displayed for about 3 seconds. The level of charg e will be indicated by how many green LEDs you see (betweeen
1 and 10).
A c t i o n
Now you will see a flashing red battery symbol on the MCK, indicating your system is looking for its charg e r. Plug in the AC power plug of your charg i n g unit and the charger will flash red, too. Connect the charging unit to the guitar with a standard guitar cord, and when the system begins to
c h a rge, the charg i n g unit will flash gre e n , and a running display of green LEDs on the MCK will indicate
c h a rge level. The
c h a rging unit’s LED will flash green, too.
R e m a r k s
For optimum perform a n c e , you will want a charge level of
b a t t e ry pack will show a solid blue light on the
c h a rging unit. Push MCK back to its normal position when charging is complete. A full charge should take no more than 90 minutes.