Hooking Up
•Before connecting this unit to another device, be sure to unplug the AC power cord from the power outlet.
•Turn off the power switch on this unit and all components to be connected, such as keyboards and active speakers (speakers with built in amplifiers).
•After all the connections, double check that the connections are correct before plugging the AC power cord back into the power outlet.
•If the connected components output large signals that cause distortion, adjust the INPUT knob on this unit to lower the input level, or lower the output level of the connected component.
Example 1: Hooking up to an instrument
[::::J |
| |
__1___ | MID! Foor COO'lUOII(,<, | |
tHR.nC5.e1c) | ||
| ||
By taking advantage of the
| OIGiTALIN ___ . __ . _._. DIGITAl OUT | ||||
| OAT R«c'"" i""o,' tt~ I | ||||
| |||
| ! |
| |||
| ||
Setting the DigitaliN/OUT |
| You Ciln sek'ct analog (ANALC)' digit.)1 (DICTL), or | ||||
| both .m.)log and digit.)1 (Both) j,Kks ior input ,md | |||||
| output. |
| |
Ttl obtain the best p""iblt, sOllnd qllality ",Iwnllsing the DIGITAL |
| ||||
I/O j,l.:k, we |
| ||||
5 Press FUNCTION B [ChSel] and use the | ||||||
both (digit,,1 .lIld 'lIh'logL |
| . |
| |||
•..!o :;. | 0'" '" - |
| |||
@@ . OPSV'7 | OUT | I~HU | ||||
.. C'. |
| '0 0 |
| (c; | o' |
| 0' 0' | |||||
•' |
| [I |
| PO"'IJ'AfT"(Il,I,,,, | ' | |
~5: ~.,.~. |
| St>f',,~e' | Spcllker |
| ~I'>'!... ~e' |
Example 2: Hooking
| . 1 |
| .;I- |
i., ... | ||||
1\''\'"'' | ':;T | ~PS~'7_ | ||
G::,.:..;: .. | _~ |
| |
| El1oct~nd | ||
| ,.",.,.,./.,.,.,.,.,.,+,.,.,.\1)1)1\ |
| OP$V77 | |
| |||
| I | , |
When using the effector in a send-return loop
•Wl' rl'Conlln,'nd "'tting the dirl'ct output 1"\'l'l to ~ (minus infinity). (St'e "Cutting the Din'ct St>llnd (Dry On/Om" on page 2~.)
•IV" abo r,'COll1ll1l'nJ setting the BYPASS function to MUTE (as shown on page IS).
TIll' follllwjllg stl'p~ shu\\' you how to sl'l thl' input mndl', ,ldjllst the di~it,ll input h'\'l'i, Imd Sl'il'ct
Rd·l.'r to "Undl'r~t.Hldillh till'Sign.ll flow Oil p.\~L' H for dd.lils regarding the digit.ll ~ign'l1 flow. Alsu, Sl'l' "Input Settings ,lnd the Inpllt Signal" and "Di~it.'II/O Terminal ChMt" on p.'ge 29 for
,lddition.ll inh)rnl.ltiun
1Press SYSTEM.
2Press FUNCTION A to choose "Set Up."
B(].? ~ ~ :>C
Set UP Memry Pedal MID I Morph
3Press FUNCTION A to choose "Input."
System: Setup
.. ~~ Jiiil. l)!J Cge
Input Gate Bypass OISP Clock OryoH
4Press FUNCTION A [Mode] and use the operation dial to select "DIGTL" (digital).
~stem : Input
DIGTL STREO 12,0 12.0 Auto
~[ChSel) [Att 1) [Att2) [EMPHA)
operation dial to select the input channel(s}.
To use both CII! imd C112, choose s!l'reo (sTREO), To use only CHI, choose monaur,)ll (fI.\ONO 1>- To use only CH2, choose monaural 2 (I\IONO 2) .
These selling can also be made when using the analog inputs,
6Press FUNCTION C [Att 1] or D [Att 2] and use the operation dial to adjust the digital input levels.
[Att II lets you adjust the digital input !evel for 01 I, IAtt 21 lets you adjust the digital input 1l'\'eI ior ClI 2. Prl'ss FUNCTION CorD twice to link the pMameters and adjust both digital input !evl'Is at the same time,
See pages 9 and 10 for details regarding the input level.
7Press FUNCTION E [EMPHA] and use the operation dial to select the
"Auto" activates
"Off" turns
See page 10 for dl'tails on the emphasis iunction,
This lInit's digit,'1 inpllt only .KCl'pts sign,,1s with eith~r 44.1 kIll or 48 kHz Sdlllpling fn~qU('IKi('s. It l'tlnnnt be llSl't.i with ;\2 kllz si~n.l1s,