Setting the System Environment
In the system mode lets you set up the effector's operating | The following steps describe how to make changes in the | |
environments. To go back to the previous screen during | system setup. |
setup, press EXIT once. To return to the play mode after |
making adjustments, press EXIT a few times until you reach |
the PLAY screen. |
SYSTEM Shuttle .ring |
== | l.J |
- D •• !! |
| |
| FUNCTION | Operation dial | |
| |||
Setting the Noise Gate (Gate)
Use the noist! ~.ltt! function wh•.'n the source of the input signal
gt..'llt!r,ltes ,l lot of noisl'. Ihmning the input sign.ll through the noise giltc lx'fure pn.Kl'ssin~ rCdlll"l'S noise when no sound is being output.
1Press SYSTEM.
2I'rL'Ss FUNCTION A "Set Up."
3Press FUNCTION B "Colte."
FUNCTION A IATKL sets the att,lCk time (the rate at which the gat"of....'ns).
FUNCTION III RE!.L ,<'ts till'rele,lSe time (the rate at which the gdtt..' dusl.'sl
FUNCTION C ITHRL sets the threshold lewl (the level "t which the g,lte will dose). Th,' l.Hger the v,llue, the IMger the signal that will entC'r thc' g.lte.
Setting up the Pedal Parameters
Pl...ials CllIllllOC",d to the PEDAL 1 and/or PEDAL 2 jal'ks on the reM panel ,',lll hl' USl'<1 to control the fllnctions listed hl'1"w.
1 Press SYSTEM. |
2 Prl'Ss FUNCTION C "Ped,,!." |
3 Pfl'SS FUNCTION A or B to choose "Pedal I" or "l'c'<1,,12." |
FUNCTION A ITYP<'I sets the type of pt'<1,,1 function. |
Bank +/B,lIlk |
program t,lble lip/down. |
Bypass: sets the ped,'1 to work as the bypass switch |
RTC : sets the p,·d.ll to control the parameters set in RTC (s,'\? |
p.lge21). |
FUNCTION B IMINllets you input the setting for when the pL...lal |
1 Press SYSTEM.
2 Press FUNCTION A to select "Set Up."
EJ G·? ~ ~ JC
Set UP Memry Pedal MID I Morph
3Use FUNCTION buttons
Cge | |
System: Setup |
Input Gate Bypass DISP | Clock Dry off |
4Use FUNCTION buttons
Setting the Clock (Clock)
The clock function lets you s"t till'tim" ~nd dat" of the dfedo,s built
in clock. OncE" the dock is set, till'date and liml'c"lft) ilutomiltkillly
stored in the U~t.'r memory when you save" proCl'ssl'ddfl'ct.
1Prl'ss SYSTEM.
2Press FUNCTION A "Set Up."
3Press FUNCTION E "Clock." FUNCTION A IMonthl sets the Month. FUNCTION B IDayl sets the Day. FUNCTION C IY('~rJ scts the Year. FUNCTION 0 IHourl sets the Hour. FUNCTION E IMINI sets the Minllte. FUNCTION F IStartl stMts the clock.
Setting the Display Mode
The displ~y function lets you adjllst the display mode and displ~y contrast.
1Press SYSTEM.
2Press FUNCTION A "Set Up."
3Press FUNCTION 0 "0151'."
FUNCTION A IModel selects the display mode.
Name : displ~ys thl' name of the nwmory fil,'in large charact"" and the Active Parameter settings in smillI charncters.
V(lluf?: displays the memory n(lme in sm(l11 ch(lradcrs (lnJ the Active P(lrttmeter settings in large ch(lf(lcters.
FUNCTION B (LCDI adjusts the contrast of the display.
Cutting the Direct Sound (Dry On/Off)
This setting lets you cut the direct sound and output only the sound of the dfL",t, regardless of till' MIXER block's DRY l.EVEL setting. \Vhell u~ing this unit is CtJlultxtL'li to a rnixt:r in ,l sl'nd/wturn loop, as shown un p,lgt..' 12, be sun.' cut the dirL'Ct sound.
1Press SYSTEM.
2Press FUNCTION A "Set Up."
3l'rc'ss FUNCTION F "Dry On/Off." The operation didl selects the dry mode.
OFF: forcibly wts the direct level (to
PGM : the direct level determined by the value stored in the mixer block of Citch effect.
is in the "up" position (minimum). |
FUNCTION C (MAXI lets ),ou input the setting for when the ped,'1 |
is in the "down" position (maximum). |
FUNCTION [) (Curvellets you |
FUNCTION E (TBL#I lets Y"ll se\coct the f....'lial prngram t.,bl" |
numbers |
FUNCTION F (MEM#II"ts you se\coct thl' memory bank and |
memory number that will n ..'Spond to the table number ~et ,ll |
Other Settings
To set "Bypass," Sl...• page 15.
To set "Inpu!," Sl'\? p,'ge 13.
To set the MIDI functions sec p,'g6 21 and 26.
To organize tht:' user 1ll1'11UlTY, Set' page 23.
To set the morphing function, see page 16.
24EN | 2SEN |