XV. Storing Intro and Ending Settings
Each Preset Style on the PSR1000/2000 has a specific Intro and Ending length and type. The choices available for the Intro are 'CountIn', '4bar1', or '4bar2'. The choices available for the Ending are 'Fill&Hit', '2bar', or '4bar'. These variations of Intro and Ending may be changed temporarily from the front panel, or stored permanently to User memory or Floppy Disk as a 'User Style'.
NOTE: The Intro and Ending settings are not stored as a Registration parameter, and therefore cannot be stored to the 'REGISTRATION MEMORY' buttons; they must be stored with a Style.
Changing Intro and Ending Settings Temporarily:
1)Select a desired Style.
2)From the 'MAIN' screen, press the [E] 'INTRO ENDING' button.
3)Use the [D] button to select the Intro setting.
4)Use the [E] button to select the Ending setting.
5)Press the [EXIT] button to return to the 'MAIN' screen.
Changing Intro and Ending Settings Permanently:
1)Make the desired Intro and Ending settings (see steps above).
2)Press the [DIGITAL RECORDING] button.
3)Press the [B] 'STYLE CREATOR' button.
4)Use the [BACK] and [NEXT] buttons to display the 'ASSEMBLY' page.
5)Press the [J] 'SAVE' button.
6)Use the [BACK] and [NEXT] buttons to select the 'USER' memory page or the 'FLOPPY DISK' page.
7)Press the '7' [v] 'SAVE' button.
8)Use the '1' - '8' [^] and [v] toggle buttons to name the edited Style.
9)Press the '8' [^] 'OK' button to save the Style to the memory location chosen in step 6.
Owner's Manual, p. 66,