RM.406 Rear Panel (FUNCTIONS)
Section J: Master Output
J. Master Output Connection: These Right & Left XLR connections are used for the Master Output signal. Volume levels for this output are controlled by the section C front panel controls. NOTE: The TRIM knob sets the maxi- mum volume allowed for this output (be sure it is set properly.) It should be used in conjunction with the Master Fader (#6) as well as individual Gain (#36) and Channel Faders (#42) when establishing optimal overall output for the RM.406 and the sound system it is connected to. It is recommended to consult an audio professional during this process.
Section K: Effects/FX
K. Send & Return Connections: These Right & Left 1/4 inch connections are used for creating an FX loop (using an external effect processor.) Send is an Output, Return is an Input and both levels are controlled by #’s 3, 4 & 5 (section C) front panel controls.
Section L: Zone Output
L. Zone Connection: These Right & Left output connections are used for a secondary Master / Zone. Volume level for this output is controlled by the section C front panel controls. Generally, this is used to send sound to anoth- er part of the sound system (such as another room), or another completely independent sound system.