5.5. How to Browse Your Music Library
The main way to browse your music library is through the BROWSE screen. The BROWSE screen is accessed by pressing the BROWSE BUTTON located under the LCD SCREEN, and is your main overview of song content stored on your Mass Storage Devices. Content from all Mass Storage Devices is grouped within this screen, so you never have to switch between connected drives to look for songs. Four columns of information are displayed, with the type of information being dependant upon your chosen sorting option (described in the section below).
5.6 Sorting Options
Upon entering your library, the TITLES sorting option is the default sort. This display shows a list of all of the tracks available in the current collection in alphabetical order. There are also columns displaying the Artist , BPM, and duration of the tracks. On the right side, there is a vertical scroll bar to show your position within your library.
The following button choices are available:
-Sort – brings up a