Now click File, and then click Export. A new window will pop up. (Figure A.9)
Figure A.9
At the bottom of the new window, there is an area called Export Range. Make sure that Selected Branch is marked, and that the text in the field there says HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Go to the top of the window and find the Save In drop down. Select a location to save the backup that you will remember (like your desktop). Now go down to the File Name field and type in a name for the backup. Press the Save button and wait until the hourglass disappears. You have now backed up a registry branch. Although this is not necessary, at this point I would recommend also saving the registry backup you just made to an external device like a USB flash drive. If you make a mistake and there are problems booting into Windows later, this will make restoring the registry much easier. Now let’s look for the SidSpeed value.
Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (Figure A.10)
Figure A.10