8 | 12 | 11 |
7 | 9 | 10 |
7.Mic Master - The MIC MASTER control knob serves as a single output level control for all 3 MIC channels (irrespective of their individual setting). This allows you to increase or decrease MIC output levels with one turn
of the knob.
Note: If you desire to adjust the output level of just one Mic channel in particular, it is recommended to use that Mic’s individual output level control instead of the MIC MASTER control because all Mic channels will be adjusted with the intended channel.
8.Mic Bass and Treble - The MIC BASS and TREBLE control knobs serve as a MASTER BASS and TREBLE control for all 3 Mic channels. To add more BASS or TREBLE to the Mic channels, simply turn either of the knobs clockwise to increase levels or
Note: BASS and TREBLE levels for each of the Mic channels cannot be adjusted individually.
9.Digital Echo, Delay and Repeat
10.1/4” in. Mic Jacks - These jacks for microphones or instruments. The
11.Mic Channel Level Controls - These knobs control the MIC CHANNELS output levels individually.
This makes it possible to adjust just one Mic channel without affecting the other 2 channels. This can be useful when one person or (Mic channel) might be overpowering others in a duo or trio.
Turn clockwise to increase output levels, and
12.Mic Channel Digital Echo Controls - Each Mic channel has one of these buttons. By pressing it, you activate the DIGITAL ECHO for that channel. By depressing it, you remove the DIGITAL ECHO from that channel.
This is handy when performing live due to the ease of a