Assigning a Note to a Trigger Pad
It is possible to configure a pad to send a Note On message when it is struck or held down, and a Note Off message when it is released. This requires four values to be specified (values given are examples):
Key | Parameter | Value |
Control Assign | Trigger Note On/Off | 147 |
Data 1 (example) | Note Pitch | 64 (Note E4) |
Data 2 (example) | Note off velocity | 0 |
Data 3 (example) | Note on velocity | 100 |
Velocity Lock (Vel Lock) must be active for pads to transmit the note velocities specified by Data 2 and data 3. When Velocity Lock is off, the pads will transmit a velocity according to how hard the pad is struck. For further information, please refer to Velocity Lock under "Additional Functions".
The following example configures a pad to play MIDI note E4 while it is being held down and stop the note when released.
To configure a pad to play a MIDI note:
1.Select a pad. See "Control Select (Ctrl Select)".
2.Press the Edit button.
3.Press the Control Assign key. The LCD screen will read "ASIGN" and display the currently selected control (for example "P1"), and the current MIDI CC assignment (for example "149").
4.Enter 147 using the number keys. This sets the pad to trigger MIDI Notes.
5.Press the Enter key.
6.Press the Edit button.
7.Press the Data 1 key (Pitch/Note parameter). The LCD screen will display the currently assigned function ("NOTE"), the selected control (for example "P1"), and the current value.
8.Enter "64" using the number keys. This sets the pad to play MIDI note 64 (E4).
9.Press the Enter key.
10.Press the Edit button.
11.Press the Data 2 key (Velocity Off). The LCD screen will read "MIN" and display the currently selected control (for example as "P1"), and the current value (for example "1").
12.Enter 0 using the number keys. This sets the pad to transmit a Note Off message with a release velocity value of zero.
13.Press the Enter key.
14.Press the Edit button.
15.Press the Data 3 key (Velocity On). The LCD screen will read "MAX" and display the currently selected control (for example "P1"), and the current value (for example "127").
16.Enter 100 using the number keys. This sets the pad to transmit a Note On message with a velocity of 100 when struck.
17.Press the Enter key.
It is also possible to configure a pad or button to send a note on message when it is pressed and a note off message when it is pressed a second time. To do this, follow the configuration steps above, but enter 148 for the "Control Assign" parameter.
In most Axiom factory presets, the pads are already programmed to transmit MIDI note data. In order to change the pitch of notes sent, you need only follow steps 6 to 9.
Setting Buttons or Sustain Pedals to Send Combined Program Change, Bank LSB and Bank MSB messages
The assignable buttons and the Sustain Pedals can be configured to send a
Key | Parameter | Value |
Control Assign | Program/Bank Preset select | 145 |
Data 1 (example) | Program Change Number | 42 (GM Instrument Cello) |
Data 2 (example) | Bank LSB number | 8 |
Data 3 (example) | Bank MSB number | 32 |
The following example configures a button or Sustain Pedal to send a total of 3 MIDI messages each time it is pressed (Bank LSB, Bank MSB and Program Change), allowing you to recall any sound in any bank of a connected software or hardware synthesizer that supports this.
To configure buttons or Sustain Pedals to send combined Program Change, Bank LSB and Bank MSB Messages:
1.Select a button or Sustain Pedal as described earlier.
2.Press the Edit button.
3.Press the Control Assign key. The LCD screen will read "ASIGN" and display the currently selected control (for example "F10"), and the current MIDI CC assignment (for example "146").
4.Enter 145 using the number keys. This configures the button or Sustain Pedal to send a combined Bank Select/Program Change message.
5.Press the Enter key.
6.Press the Edit button.
7.Press the Data 1 key. The LCD screen will display the currently assigned function (for example "NOTE"), the selected control (for example "F10"), and the current value.
8.Enter a Program Change number, such as 42.
9.Press the Enter key.
10.Press the Edit button.
11.Press the Data 2 key. The LCD screen will display the current function assigned to the Data 2 key (in this case, "LSb") and the current value.
12.Enter a Bank LSB number, such as 8.
13.Press the Enter key.