•Default Operation: The Group F button is used to enable or disable the control group when a Patch is stored or recalled. When the button is illuminated the group is enabled for the operation.
For example, when storing a Patch, the group is enabled by default. Pressing the button disables and excludes the controls from the newly stored patch. When the patch is recalled, the state of the group is remembered as being disabled, and the Group F button will not illuminate.
5.Faders – There are nine Faders
DirectLink Operation: Refer to the separate DirectLink documentation applicable to your DAW at
•Default Operation: All nine Faders (Axiom 49 & 61) send different types of standard MIDI CC messages, or advanced MIDI messages based on the parameter they are assigned to. When a fader is moved the LCD screen will display the assigned MIDI message (for example "cc 74"), its name (for example "F1"), and the values sent. If the Control Mute function (see "Additional Functions") is active the LCD will display the same information, with the addition of "MUTE." This signifies that MIDI data will not be transmitted, and the fader can be moved with affecting external software devices. All faders are fully assignable as described in Chapter 5, "Advanced Programming Functions."
6.Fader Buttons – Axiom 49 and 61 feature nine Fader buttons. These buttons function based on the type of operation, as follows: DirectLink Operation: Refer to the separate DirectLink documentation applicable to your DAW at
•Default Operation: All nine buttons (Axiom 49 & 61) send different types of standard MIDI CC, MIDI note, or other advanced MIDI messages based on the parameter they are assigned to as described in Chapter 5, "Advanced Programming Functions."
Pressing a Fader button causes the LCD screen to display the assigned MIDI message (for example "cc 74"), its name (for example "F10"), and the value sent. This will also be the case when the button is released. If the Control Mute function is active pressing one of these buttons with deactivate it.
7.LCD Screen – The LCD screen displays operational, programming, and status information. In DirectLink mode the data seen on the LCD screen is entirely dictated by the DAW.
8.Group E Button
•DirectLink Operation: When this button is pressed, all eight Axiom Encoder knobs
Pressing the Group E button again, returns all controls to their DirectLink assignments. The button also illuminates confirming the group is in DirectLink mode.
The Axiom Transport buttons are not affected by the Group E button, and they will always retain their default DirectLink assignments.
•Default Operation: The Group E button is used to enable or disable the control group when a Patch is stored or recalled. When the button is illuminated the group is enabled for the operation.
For example, when storing a Patch, the group is enabled by default. Pressing the button disables and excludes the controls from the newly stored patch. When the patch is recalled, the state of the group is remembered as being disabled, and the Group E button will not illuminate.
9.Encoder Knobs – There are eight Encoder Knobs
DirectLink Operation: Refer to the separate DirectLink documentation applicable to your DAW at
•Default Operation: These knobs send different types of standard MIDI CC messages or advanced MIDI messages based on the parameter they are assigned to, or the active preset. When a knob is moved the LCD screen will display the assigned MIDI message (for example "cc 74"), its name (for example "E1"), and the value sent. If the Control Mute function (see "Additional Functions") is active the LCD will display the same information, with the addition of "MUTE." This signifies that MIDI data will not be transmitted. All Encoder knobs are fully assignable as described in Chapter 5, "Advanced Programming Functions."
10.Transport Buttons – These buttons
•DirectLink Operation: In both Mixer and Instrument Modes, these buttons map to the Transport buttons in qualified DAW applications to control playback, record, start/stop, fast forward and rewind, as well as enabling (or disabling) the loop function.
Within in qualified versions of Pro Tools, holding the Loop button while pressing one of the other Transport Control buttons gives access to additional functions. Further information on how to access these functions can be found in the DirectLink User Guide for Pro Tools.
•Default Operation: These buttons send standard MIDI CC, MIDI note, MMC (MIDI Machine Control), or other advanced MIDI messages based on the parameter they are assigned to. When a button is pressed, the LCD screen will display the assigned MIDI message (for example "cc 74"), its name (for example "E9"), and the value sent. This will also be the case when it is released. If the Control Mute function (see "Additional Functions") is active it is deactivated when on of these buttons is pressed.
All Axiom Transport buttons are fully assignable as described in Chapter 5, "Advanced Programming Functions."
11.Group P Button
•DirectLink Operation: When this button is pressed, all eight Trigger pads
Pressing the Group P button again, returns all pads to their DirectLink assignments. The button also illuminates confirming the group is in DirectLink mode.
•Default Operation: The Group P button is used to enable or disable the control group when a Patch is stored or recalled. When the button is illuminated the pad is enabled for the operation.
For example, when storing a Patch, the group is enabled by default. Pressing the button disables and excludes the pads from the newly stored patch. When the patch is recalled, the state of the group is remembered as being disabled, and the Group P button will not illuminate.