Spirit LIVE 4 manual Pa ge

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Fault Finding Guide Repairing a sou nd m ixing console requ ires sp ecialist skills, bu t basic Fault Finding is w ithin the scop e of any u ser if a few basic ru les are follow ed .

Get to know the Block Diagram of you r console (see insid e rear cover)

Get to know w hat each com p onent in the system is su p p osed to d o.

Learn w here to look for com m on trou ble sp ots.

The Block D iagram (see insid e rear cover) is a rep resentative sketch of all the com p onents of the console, show ing how they connect together and how the signal flow s throu gh the system . Once you have becom e fam iliar w ith the variou s com p onent blocks you w ill find the Block Diagram qu ite easy to follow and you w ill have gained a valu able u nd erstand ing of the internal stru ctu re of the console.

Each Component has a sp ecific fu nction and only by getting to know w hat each p art is su p p osed to d o w ill you be able to tell if there is a genu ine fau lt! Many ‘fau lts’ are the resu lt of incorrect connection or control settings w hich m ay have been overlooked .

Basic Troubleshooting is a p rocess of ap p lying logical thou ght to the signal p ath throu gh the console and tracking d ow n the p roblem by elim ination .

Sw ap inp u t connections to check that the sou rce is really p resent. Check both Mic and Line inp u ts.

Elim inate sections of the channel by u sing the insert p oint to re-rou te the signal to other inp u ts that are know n to be w orking.

Rou te channels to d ifferent ou tp u ts or to au xiliary send s to id entify p roblem s on the Master section.

Com p are a su sp ect channel w ith an ad jacent channel w hich has been set u p id entically. Use PFL and AFL to m onitor the signal in each section .

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Contents Page Page User Guide Introduction Basic Principles of PA Mixing Pre-Fade-ListenPFL allow s you to MixerClipping Getting Started Connections and ConnectorsPola rity Ba lanced a nd Unba la ncedUnbalanced Pa ge Direc T O Utput Getting to Know Your ConsoleInput Channel IC RO PHO NE InputAIN C O Ntro L Line InputInsert Line Selec TEQ Ualiser HI- Pass FilterAuxiliary Sends RO Uting Switc HES PA NPFL/ Peak LED Switc HEQ Ualisatio N Stereo SectionsStereo Inputs PFL AUX SendAUX Selec TIO N Balanc EGroup Section IX L & R O Utputs RO UP O UtputPO WER SO C KET No O UtputHeadpho NE V O LUM E Auxiliary M AstersAuxiliary O Utputs Talkbac KInitial Set Up Using Your Spirit Live 4 ConsolePa ge Exa mple 1 Public Address Stereo Output ApplicationsExa mple 3 Public Address Mono Output Exa mple 2 Public Address Stereo + Centre FeedExa mple Multitra ck Recording Exa mple 4 Stereo RecordingGenera l Preca utions Care of Your MixerFrequency response Selectable Options Removal of +48V on Mic Inputs Reconfiguring Aux 2 as a Post Fa de Send Noise SpecificationsDistortion Page Stereo Input StereoPage FAX