Genera l Preca utions | Avoid storing or u sing the m ixer in cond itions of excessive |
| heat or cold , or in p ositions w here it is likely to be su bject to |
| vibration, d u st or m oistu re. |
| Keep the m ixer clean u sing a soft d ry bru sh, and an |
| occasional w ip e w ith a d am p cloth or ethyl alcohol. Do not |
| u se any other solvents w hich m ay cau se d am age to p aint or |
| p lastic p arts. |
| Avoid p lacing d rinks or sm oking m aterials on or near the |
| m ixer. Sticky d rinks and cigarette ash are frequ ent cau ses of |
| d am age to fad ers and sw itches. |
| Regu lar care and insp ection w ill be rew ard ed by a long life |
| and m axim u m reliability. |
| Glossary |
auxiliary send |
an ou tp u t from the console com p rising a m ix of signals from | |
| channels and grou p s d erived ind ep end ently of the m ain |
| stereo/ grou p m ixes. Typ ically the feed s to the m ix are |
| im p lem ented on rotary level controls. |
balance | the relative levels of the left and right channels of a |
| stereo signal. |
clipping | the onset of severe d istortion in the signal p ath, u su ally |
| cau sed by the p eak signal voltage being lim ited by the |
| circu it’s p ow er su p p ly voltage. |
dB (decibel) | a ratio of tw o voltages or signal levels, exp ressed by the |
| equ ation d B=20Log10 (V1/ V2). Ad d ing the su ffix ’u ’ d enotes |
| the ratio is relative to 0.775V RMS. |
D I(direct injection) | the p ractice of connecting an electric m u sical instru m ent |
| d irectly to the inp u t of the m ixing console, rather than to an |
| am p lifier and lou d sp eaker w hich is covered by a m icrop hone |
| feed ing the console. |
direct output | a p ost fad e line level ou tp u t from the inp u t channel, byp assing |
| the su m m ing am p lifiers, typ ically for send ing to ind ivid u al |
| tap e tracks d u ring record ing. |
equaliser | a d evice that allow s the boosting or cu tting of selected |
| band s of frequ encies in the signal p ath . |