Peavey XXRR 880000FF++ Graphic Equalizers, System Mode Switch, Power LED, Monitor Master Fader

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17.FLS (Feedback Locator System):

These LEDs illuminate to indicate the frequency band of highest energy. When feedback occurs, this system will automatically indicate the graphics slider to use to lessen or eliminate feedback. (NOTE: These LEDs illuminate with any audio signal, not just during feedback.) If feedback occurs, pull down the slider under the brightest LED.


These nine-band equalizers are fixed on one-octave centers. They are designed for 12 dB of cut and 12 dB boost. They are connected directly to their power amplifier inputs. The signal sent to each equalizer is determined by the System Mode Switch (19).


This switch is used to configure the XR 800F+ as either a stereo or dual mono amplifier. It is recessed to prevent accidental switching during a performance. Use a non-metallic object to change the switch position (e.g., a toothpick). The XR 800F+ is shipped from the factory in the default setting of Left Main to the upper EQ and Right to the lower EQ. When this switch is depressed it switches the lower EQ to (mono) PA Left + Right. The upper EQ then becomes the Monitor signal only, creating an entire PA and Monitor mixing system in one small, easy-to-carry package. And this change is accomplished without a single patch cord!






The power on LED indicator will light when the unit is powered.


Sets the overall level of the monitor signal that is sent to the Monitor Output (8) jack. See page 5.


Displays overall level of either the L and R signals or the Mon and L+R (mix) signals. The System Mode Switch determines which mode the meter will operate in. Red Peak LEDs are located at the top of each meter to indicate clipping. A clipped signal may damaged your speakers. To prevent possible speaker damage reduce the respective fader level.


Image 8
Contents XR 800F+ Page Important Safety Instructions XR 800F+ Powered Sound Reinforcement Mixing Console EnglishAC Power Section Power Amplifier SectionPower Inlet PowerMaster IN/OUT EFX Presets Preset Name TIME/SIZE COLOR/TONEMaster Functions Effects Peak LEDSystem Mode Switch Power LEDSignal Level Meters Graphic EqualizersChannel Functions ChannelsMaster L/R Faders Line InputLO EQ Digital EffectsPAN Peak LEDChannels 7 ChannelRight Input LEFT/MONO InputPhantom Power Phantom Power SwitchXR 800F+ Block Diagram XR 800F+ HOOK-UP Diagram XR 800F+ Specifications Input SpecificationsXR 800F+ Output Specifications Frequency Response Total Harmonic Distortion THDGraphic Equalizer XR 800F+ Hum and NoisePower Section Français Mixeur Amplifie R 800F+Alimentation ENTREES/SORTIES Master Entrées Ampli DE PuissanceSortie Gauche Sortie DroiteFonctions Master LED D’ECRETAGE EffetsCOULEUR/REINJECTION EFX to Main18. Équaliseurs Graphiques Selecteur DE ModeFLS Système de localisation du larsen Fonctionnalités DES Canaux Canaux27. Égalisation Hautes Fréquences 28. Égalisation Moyennes Fréquences29. Égalisation Basses Fréquences Effets NumériquesCanaux 7 ET Entree DroiteEntre Gauche CanalPage Español Idades EN TU Compra DE LA XR 800F+Sección DE Poder DE Corriente Alterna Sección DEL Amplificador DE PoderEntrada DE Corriente Alterna PoderENTRADA/SALIDA Maestra Programas DE Efectos Funciones MaestrasLED DE Pico DE Efectos TIEMPO/TAMAÑO COLOR/TONOEfectos a Monitor Efectos a Mezcla PrincipalSwitch DE Modo DE Sistema LED DE PoderFader Maestro DE Monitor Medidores DE Nivel DE SeñalFunciones DE Canal CanalesEntrada DE Micro Etrada DE LineaGanancia Ecualizador DE AgudosEcualizador DE Medios Ecualizador DE BajoCANAL9 Entrada DerechaEntrada IZQUIERDA/MONO Entrada TapeSwitch DE Phantom Power XR 800F+ Power Mixer DeutschPower AMP Abschnitt NETZANSCHLUßNETZANSCHLUß NetzschalterEFX Defeat Power AMP InputLinks / Rechts Output Effekt Peak LED PresetMaster Funktionen Graphic EQ System Mode SchalterFLS Feedback Locator System nächste Seite Signal Level Anzeige Kanal FunktionenKanäle Master L/R FaderHigh EQ LOW EQDigital Effekte Clip LEDKanäle 7 und KanalKanalfader Input RechtsPhantom Power Schalter Page Peavey Electronics Corporation Limited Warranty 80302411