Philips AC4118 Filter replacement, ESP particle filter, Zeolite gas filter, Removing the filters

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Filter replacement

The lifetime of the filters is substantially shortened by exposure to tabacco smoke:

number of cigarettes per day

estimated lifetime of filters


- 1

up to 5 years


- 10

up to 6 to 12 months


up to 3 - 6 months

ESP particle filter

,In case of normal household use in a non-smoking environment and in case of proper maintenance (see chapter ‘Cleaning and maintenance’), the particle filter lasts approx. 5 years.

,To check if you have to replace the ESP particle filter you have to remove the front cover and pull out the ESP particle filter with two hands (Fig. 4).

,Turn the ESP particle filter upside down (Fig. 16).

,Check the pollution between the layers and judge which pollution level applies. Only replace filter in case pollution bridges two layers (Fig. 17).

,A new ESP particle filter is available under the following type numbers:

-AC4107 for CleanAir System AC4054/AC4052

-AC4108 for CleanAir System AC4064/AC4062

Zeolite gas filter

In case of normal household use in a non-smoking environment and in case of proper maintenance

(see chapter ‘Cleaning and maintenance’), the zeolite gas filter lasts up to 5 years.

Note:You may need to replace the zeolite gas filter sooner in case of more extreme usage conditions (smoking environment, just renovated room, non-domestic use etc.) and insufficient maintenance.

,Replace the zeolite gas filter when you have to replace the ESP particle filter.

,A new zeolite gas filter is available under the following type numbers:

-AC4117 for CleanAir System AC4054/AC4052

-AC4118 for CleanAir System AC4064/AC4062

Removing the filters

Tip: Place the appliance against a wall for more stability when you remove or insert filters.

1Place your fingers in the recesses of the side panels. Gently pull the top part of the front panel off the appliance (1) and then lift the panel upwards to remove it (2) (Fig. 3).

2To remove the ESP particle filter, grab the filter handles at both sides and gently slide the filter out of the appliance. (Fig. 4)

3To remove the zeolite gas filter, slide it out of the appliance (Fig. 18).

Note:You can only remove the zeolite gas filter after you have removed the ESP particle filter.

4To remove the pre-filter, slide it out of the appliance (Fig. 19).

Inserting the filters

Tip: Place the appliance against a wall for more stability when you remove or insert filters.

Note: Make sure you insert the filters in the correct position (with the arrow facing upwards).

Note:The appliance is equipped with a safety device. If you have not placed the ESP particle filter, the zeolite gas filter and the front panel properly, you cannot switch on the appliance.

1 Slide the zeolite gas filter into the appliance. (Fig. 5)

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Contents AC4064, AC4062, AC4054, AC4052 Register your product and get support atPage Page Page AC4064,AC4062,AC4054,AC4052 Filtration in several stages IntroductionGeneral description Fig AC4064/AC4062 Electromagnetic fields EMFBefore first use Using the applianceTimer function Placing the zeolite gas filterCleaning and maintenance Zeolite gas filter Filter replacementESP particle filter Removing the filtersGuarantee and service Environment TroubleshootingSwitched on Or replace it see chapter ‘Filter replacement’Philips service centre Pre-filter may be clogged. Clean the pre-filter see chapterCorona particle charger the wires are very fragile Have cleaned it withCorona particle Penyaringan dalam beberapa tahap PendahuluanKeterangan umum Gbr Peringatan PentingBahaya PerhatianSebelum menggunakan alat pertama kali Medan elektromagnet EMFDigunakan berdasarkan pada bukti ilmiah yang kini tersedia Menempatkan filter gas zeolitBadan alat Fungsi TimerMembersihkan dan pemeliharaan Pengisi muatan partikel coronaPenggantian filter Garansi dan layanan Lingkungan Memasang filterPemecahan Masalah Bau tidak benar-benar UdaraPhilips HilangHangus selama Pengisi muatan partikel corona lihat bab ‘Membersihkan danPemeliharaan’ Beroperasi제품 소개 부의 명칭 그림중요사항 비석 가스 필터 장착 EMF전자기장최초 사용 전 제품 사용제품 본체 타이머 기능청소 및 유지관리 코로나 집진기필터 교체 품질 보증 및 서비스 필터 삽입문제 해결 28 한국어 문제점 해결책한국어 Penapisan dalam beberapa peringkat PengenalanPerihalan umum Gamb Amaran AwasMeletakkan penapis gas zeolite Medan Elektro Magnet EMFSebelum penggunaan pertama Menggunakan perkakasBadan perkakas Fungsi pemasaPembersihan dan penyelenggaraan Di bahagian dalam dan luarMenggantikan penapis Jaminan dan servis Mengeluarkan penapisMemasukkan penapis Alam sekitarMenyelesaikan masalah Perkakas telah Dipasangkan plagnya Dan dihidupkan Kipasnya tidakBerfungsi, walaupun Bunyi yang luar biasaG H I J K L M Electromagnetic fields EMF 40 ภาษาไทย ESP 42 ภาษาไทย Corona particle charger PhilipsPhilips Zeolite 控制面板 AC4062/AC4052 控制面板 AC4064/AC4054Zeolite 沸石空氣濾網 AC4054/AC4052 為 2 坪至 6 坪,AC4064/AC4062 則為 2 坪至 12 坪。 電磁波 EMF= 低速 = 中速 = 高速 = 低速= 中速 = 高速 清潔與維護Zeolite 沸石空氣濾網 AC4107,適用空氣清淨系統 AC4054/AC4052 AC4108,適用空氣清淨系統 AC4064/AC4062AC4117,適用空氣清淨系統 AC4054/AC4052 AC4118,適用空氣清淨系統 AC4064/AC4062 故障排除 50 繁體中文 Page Page Page Page Page 4222.000.9324.5