McFadden's nitrocellulose lacquer is the leading lacquer used by custom guitar builders. It sprays and buffs really well and is capable of giving you a finish that looks "wet."
Figure 45. Model H5750-59 McFadden's
Lacquers and Fillers.
G1530—Router Pad
This natural rubber pad eliminates holding or clamping work while routing or sanding. It effec- tively grips the workpiece for safe
Figure 46. Model G1530 router pad.
H8070 Heirloom Telecaster-Style Guitar Kit
This lightweight elastomeric facepiece has cradle suspension, easy adjust headstraps and low profile for greater field of vision and compatibility with normal use of glasses or goggles. Purchase cartridges separately depending upon intended application.
Model H3633 protects against organic vapor, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride and chlorine. Model H3635 protects against all particulate aerosols.